#7822: Make standard file content types use ZODB BLOB support
 Reporter:  limi            |        Owner:  witsch
     Type:  PLIP            |       Status:  closed
 Priority:  major           |    Milestone:  4.0   
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  fixed 
 Keywords:  focusarea       |  

Comment(by witsch):

 (In [33691]) the
 [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.recipe.zope2instance/4.0a3 plone
 4.0-specific] versions of `plone.recipe.zope2instance` don't work with
 python 2.4 since they rely on the
 [http://docs.python.org/library/hashlib.html hashlib] module — this should
 hopefully fix the [http://blobot.zitc.de/grid bot] again (refs #6805,

Ticket URL: <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/7822#comment:90>
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