Sorry for the silly subject line, it's getting late :]

I have gone through all the PLIPs that are targeting 3.0, marked them as "in progress" if they have work that I know about, and pinged most of the maintainers about the review bundle deadline this weekend.

In addition, I have identified the following PLIPs that are delayed/postponed, but that I think should still be in the running for 3.0 because of decisions that need to be resolved by the FWT (like a decision on which AJAX framework to use), because of their relative low effort vs. high value, because of unforeseen circumstances (new look for Plone is delayed because Alma had to do Plone Conference work), or because a bundle doesn't make that much sense for that particular PLIP.

In addition, I denote the ones that "would be nice but are not crucial" the "sleeper PLIPs". These fit just as well in 3.5 if they are not completed before the betas, but carry very little risk if implemented in 3.0.

All PLIPs have comments on them about bundle status/suitability and/or delay causes.

Here's the list of things that probably won't have bundles for the deadline: (AJAX dep) (AJAX dep) (AJAX dep) (AJAX dep) (sleeper PLIP) (sleeper PLIP) (limi was wrong) (visual redesign pending)

A special one is: (too important to be dropped, needs champion - also relatively easy to do)

If you disagree with any of these assessments, or can help with getting things in shape where needed (Reader/Editor role PLIP, for instance), I'd appreciate the feedback so I can pull some strings before the end of the week deadline. :)


     Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

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