Greetings Framework Team!

I would like to throw my hat into the ring of nominees for the Plone 4
Framework Team.

I have been working with Plone for the last two years developing products
and websites. I¹ve contributed (and committed!) fixes for a number of Plone
components and I would like to contribute further by joining the Framework
Team for Plone 4. I feel that I could be an asset to the team.

My most recent contributions include updating the AddRemoveWidget to better
fit in as a replacement for the KeywordWidget, creating an egg,
collective.keywordwidgetreplacer, that acts as an easily installable way to
replace all current KeywordWidgets with the previously improved
AddRemoveWidget, and finally, updating and eggifying the

I¹m still learning a lot about Plone, but I feel that my experience building
Plone sites for the University of Washington gives me a unique perspective
on Plone and its future.

-Michael Dunlap
Framework-Team mailing list

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