On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Ross Patterson <m...@rpatterson.net> wrote:

> Ross Patterson <m...@rpatterson.net> writes:
> > So far, much of the Plone 4 work has happened in narrower circles to
> > free it up for prototyping, visioning, and imagining new approaches.
> > This has been in part to isolate such a process from the paralysis
> > that can come from discussion of edge cases or disagreements which are
> > more proper and valuable at a later stage.  I raised a concern that as
> > we start presenting this work more publicly, we should think about
> > communicating and setting expectations for the impact of the backwards
> > incompatible changes.  I proposed adding an explicit, formalized part
> > of the PLIP procedure for community impact assessments.  I'd love a
> > better name, but the idea is a place to communicate to the various
> > parts of Plone communities (developers, integrators, themers, users,
> > etc.), "Here's what you need to know to update your code/skills.
> > Here's where to find documentation."  I offered to take the lead on
> > this.
> One of the hopes I have for this is that many times when a PLIP
> contributor goes to say "Here's where to find documentation", they'll
> discover it doesn't yet exist and that these discoveries might be a part
> of substantially improving Plone documentation.
> At any rate, I'd like to open this up for discussion on this thread.

We're already working on PLIPs' documentation and hope each Plone new
version now comes with updated docs at plone.org reflecting improved and new
features, so all the community will be able to benefit from them. :-)

-- israel
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