The Wandering Soap Opera (2017), by the Chilean Raúl Ruiz, is screening at
Facets in Chicago. Is this experimental filmmaking?

Well, the image is in circulation, but the significance of what people say,
how lines are delivered, under what circumstances, all suggest that despite
the reliance on "popular culture" there is a great deal to sort out.

What is the significance of news and politics for experimental film form?
First, I think we'd have to be a little less restrictive in what "film" is
to mean. It's actually liberating to just call this "movie" making.

What is a movie? What is a soap opera? What would it mean to relinquish the
faith in a medium and to ask a few questions about moving images that
already bear a lot of meaning? I have to think of the Kuchars.

There are serious actors and props in this, however. You would have to be
"speaking truth to power," up front and yet subversive, abusing the means
provided you. And how what is understood, to what extent, will definitely
be a filtering question . . and depend on what has been concerning you
lately, whether you are thinking about politics, for example.

It was a strange experience to be in a narrative experimental world.

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