October 4, 6:00 PM

PII Gallery, 242 Race Street, Philadelphia, is delighted to welcome 
Cleveland-based artist Bruce Checefsky for a special one-night screening of his 
films to date in his ongoing project of remaking unseen films.

Bruce Checefsky is a photographer and Director of the Reinberger Galleries at 
the Cleveland Institute of Art. For the past 13 years he has also moonlighted 
as a maker of short, independent films that have shown widely around the 
world—from MoMA and the Anthology Film Archives to the Lincoln Center, Tate 
Modern and the Rotterdam Film Festival. Checefsky has carved out a unique niche 
for himself by reimagining and making abstract and avant-garde Eastern European 
shorts from the 1920s to the 1940s that were either lost, destroyed, or 
conceived/scripted but never filmed. Checefsky’s completion of a new movie, 
Witch’s Cradle (2014), affords us an opportunity to show all eight of his 
visually dazzling short films in one comprehensive program. Witch’s Cradle 
reimagines an unfinished, now lost 1943 short by pioneering experimental 
filmmaker Maya Deren (Meshes of the Afternoon). Deren shot her film with Marcel 
Duchamp in Peggy Guggenheim’s Art of This Century Gallery in New York; it was 
intended to be an exploration of the magical qualities of objects in the space. 
Also showing: Pharmacy (2001), A Woman and Circles (2003), IN NI (Others) 
(2005), Moment Musical (2006), Béla (2010), et al.  Bruce Checefsky will answer 
audience questions after the screening. Total approx. 105 min.

For more information contact PII Gallery, 242 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa 
19106, phone (215) 592-1022

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