Dear Frameworkers,

New York Film-Makers Coop is raising funds to purchase a climate control
cooling system. *We have raised $4,700 but need to make $16,000 to meet our
goal.* *IT IS VITAL THAT WE MEET THIS GOAL. *It is important that we
protect our film history together as a community. Every donation counts!
We have some amazing perks with talented artist and filmmakers, along with
rare DVDs and T-Shirts.

 Please share with your networks and spread the word!

Contact us if you have any questions:

Thank you,
MM Serra and the IndieGoGo team

MM Serra, Executive Director
Emily Apter, Assistant to Director & Assistant Curator
Kaila Chambers, Film Technician & Assistant
Sheldon Henderson, Digital Media Technician
NACG/The Film-Makers' Cooperative
475 Park Ave South, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10016
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