Heya frameworkers,

I wanted to circulate this online project we've been working on over at
Western Front as I thought might be of interest to some folks on the
listserv. Streaming on our website right now is Lis Rhodes' recent film
"Journal of Disbelief." The full, feature length work is available to view
for free, as is a new project which includes a secondary soundtrack with an
audio description of the visual components of the film made by Jae Lew,
Cori Coutu, Emma Hedditch and Tiffany Muñoz.

It's a really incredible project that I've been really excited to see come
together that is doing some interesting thinking about accessibility and
experimental film.

Will be streaming online through September 6 (both the original version and
the version with the audio description)! So hop on over and check it out.

(Two vimeo embeds on the page, both titled, but the top one includes the
audio description and the second one down is the original version of Lis'



Pablo de Ocampo

Exhibitions Curator

Western Front

303 East 8th Avenue

Vancouver BC V5T 1S1


T. +1.604.876.9343

E. pablodeoca...@front.bc.ca

W. www.front.bc.ca

*what's on:*
Everything is in the language we use
Mercedes Eng, Emma Hedditch, and Lis Rhodes
on view through 22 August

STSTS » Maggie Groat <https://front.bc.ca/events/ststs/>
Public art project on view on the building's exterior
FrameWorks mailing list

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