Hello Frameworkers:

For those of you in the Northeast in driving range of Bennington College
<https://vimeo.com/126450118>, come check out a new 30-year Luther Price
retrospective exhibition. *Meat, Chapter 3: The Maggots Will Find You is on
display until Tuesday, 5/12/15*. Luther says it's the biggest and most
comprehensive show of his life so far... up here at this tiny little
school.  I've made a few video teasers of the exhibition below. The school
also maintains a website/blog with gallery information here
<http://usdan.bennington.edu/>. The school's official press release (with
some minor inaccuracies) is here

The gallery is called Usdan Gallery and is open Tuesday - Saturday 1-5pm.
If you're interested in visiting, please send me an email.

Bennington College
1 College Drive
Bennington, VT 05201

video teasers:

Meat, Chapter 3: The Maggots Will Find You (teaser 1)
Meat, Chapter 3: The Maggots Will Find You (teaser 2)
Meat, Chapter 3: The Maggots Will Find You (teaser 3)

all the best,

Here's the description copied and pasted from the wall text of the gallery:

*MEAT, Chapter 3: The Maggots Will Find You*

Since the mid 1980’s, Boston-based visual artist Luther Price has been
known for his deeply personal, and at times disturbing, Super-8mm films and
live performances. In recent years, Price has moved from the Super 8mm
format to recycled, distressed, and hand-painted 16mm films and 35mm
slides. His 35mm slide work has garnered much attention since their
critically acclaimed debut at The Whitney Biennial in 2012. This exhibition
follows Price’s *Meat* series, inspired by a violent incident in Nicaragua
in 1985 when Price was shot with a high-powered rifle in his abdomen. This
traumatic experience symbolically killed the trauma of Price’s childhood.
The ghosts of his traumatic childhood, the death of his mother, father,  and
sister in the late 90s, and the remnants of his gunshot wound are recurring
examinations in Luther’s body and his body of work. This exhibition marks
the 30-year anniversary of Price’s shooting, death, and subsequent rebirth.
It features a brand-new series of handmade 35mm slides, the second
exhibition in 30 years of Price’s little-seen sculpture work from the
1980s, and a series of 60 photographs from the 80s by photographer and
collaborator, Russell Scholl.

A mini-retrospective of Luther Price’s moving-image works accompanies this

*When Tom Rhoads Died: Early Transitional Works by Luther Price*
     titles included in this program:

*Warm Broth* (1986) by Tom Rhoads, Super 8mm, color, sound, 30min (courtesy
of Canyon Cinema)

*Clown* (1991) by Luther Price color, sound, 30min (courtesy of Anthology
Film Archives)
*Sodom* (1989) by Luther Price, Super 8mm, color, sound, 21min
*House* (1990) by Luther Price, Super 8mm color, silent, 3min

*The Cancers Made Ghosts: A Conversation with Luther Price*
    titles included in this program:
*Home* (1999)*, *Super 8mm, b&w, sound, 13min (courtesy of Anthology Film

*Recitations* (1999) Super 8mm, color, sound, 10min

*Home Slides *(2012-2013) 35mm slides, 5min
*Door # 2-37* (1997) Super 8mm, color, sound, 13min
*Fancy* (2006) 16mm, color, sound, 12min
*Kittens Grow Up* (2007) 16mm, color, sound, 29min
*Embryo* (2015) 16mm, color, sound, 8min
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