Hi Esperanza:

*The Gas Works* looks like performance art, "European style".  *Things Said
Once* looks like a book . . or that's the way I want to read it.  But your
site itself is the form of our contact with a book-style film sensibility.
It's the form of an artist making work, one who has the time and commitment
to maintain a website that disseminates and chronicles it.  In contrast to
what you write, the site would be the form in which the book-making
filmmaker would become a publisher, a self-styled, well-read, but
unemployed publisher.

(I'm looking through the recent frameworks archive.  You shared in July
that you had been invited to present on the book and cinema.  There's a
book called *Cinema by Other Means* that comes to mind, not to recommend
it, but to think about your query.  It's published by Oxford.  Need I say
more?  I mean, doesn't that tell you enough to move on?)

I looked briefly at some of your writing online, via your site.  It looks
like what I would call journalism.  I don't mean to dismiss it.  But you
make work as well.  How is this possible?  Writing on the history, making
new work, these seem like completely different modes.  Last night I saw
another late Akerman.   Chicago Filmmakers screened it.  It was a listening
experience.  Or maybe a visual experience that can only be accessed by
listening.  And wouldn't this be a writer's work?  Despite the long takes?
It actually reminded me of Kurt Johannsen, in conversation after a
performance in Essen, German.  He had used a stack of copy paper, and he
said he liked the idea of having a stack of copy paper in the space that is
never used at any time during the performance.  That's an aesthetic of
Norway.  Akerman reminded me of that, as if she had become so refined that
it was going to be an experience just withstanding how little she would
give us.

Anyway, although your writing isn't of any interest, the thinking you might
be doing in relation to the art work is.


- - - - - - - - -

Dear Frameworkers,

I´ve been invited to contribute to *The Book to Come*, a series of
talks,reading sessions, interventions, etc., focusing on 5 of the
books of Belgian poet Marcel Broodthaers. My intervention will be
about the relationship between the book and the cinema, and by
extension, the text and the image, the text as performance, the act of
reading/writing as projection, etc. It´s a very interesting subject
that I have approached
directly in my work.

There is a marvelous piece of writing by Jean-Christophe Royoux on
Broodthaers cinematographic model in which the mentioned subject is
approached, but I was wondering if you know of any texts that deal
with this theme: the book and the cinema, possible relations,
translations, communications between these two constructions. The
writings I would expect
to find dont have to approach the work of Broodthaers, of course.

Cheers and best wishes,

Esperanza Collado
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -www.esperanzacollado.org
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