
I posted a new photo essay on flickr at 

Architectural Rhythms, Philly and DC 
https://www.flickr.com/photos/22231918@N06/sets/72157644508896352 is an 
extension of my Architectural Rhythms photo essay from last year  
Notes from that photo essay are repeated below.

These photos were all taken during a trip to Philly and the DC area in May 2013 
and are ordered chronologically. The 16:9 pictures were taken with my Panasonic 
Lumix LX7 - an amazing pocket sized camera. The 4:3 pictures were taken with my 
Nikon D-90 SLR with an 18-200 zoom.

Special thanks to Sean Isabelle, Lois and Arthur for putting me up and showing 
me around.

Repetition has been a part of architecture throughout the ages. The advent of 
skyscrapers increased the possibilities for repetition, because of the larger 
scale of the buildings. The modern style, for better or worse (I would say some 
of each), accentuates the repetition because of its use of simple forms and 

The use of reflective material such as glass and stainless steel further 
accentuates the sense of repetition. I find this fascinating–the way behemoth 
buildings seem to interact with each other through reflection presents me with 
some of my favorite photo subjects.

Almost all the images in this photo essay are of architecture that uses 
repetition, and all have some kind of rhythmic element to them.

I love natural forms.but I also love man-made forms. I do not consider one to 
be essentially more beautiful than the other, for at the bottom of things man 
is a part of nature, and so everything man-made can be thought of as being 

I hope this photo essay makes you more sensitive to the beauty to be found in 
the urban environment.

-- Emile

When the going gets tough, the tough go dancing.

My photography can be viewed at 

My videos can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/Tobenfeld

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