[Frameworks] Iowa City International Documentary Film Festival

2014-02-24 Thread jason livingston
Hi all

Our final deadline is approaching.  Please send us your work and spread the 


Jason Livingston
Iowa City, IA
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Iowa City International Documentary Film Festival

2014-02-06 Thread jason livingston
Our 1st deadline approaches.  Please spread the work and consider sending us 
your work!
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Iowa City International Documentary Film Festival CFE

2013-12-19 Thread jason livingston

Iowa City International Documentary Film
Festival – 2014 Edition


Call For Entries


How To Enter

Send a DVD preview or an online
link along with a brief synopsis, completed Entry Form, Entry Fee, and any
additional information you would like to include. If you are a student, please
include a photocopy of a current School ID. Please be sure all Entry materials
are CLEARLY LABELED with the Title, Running Time, Director, and Contact
Information. Films in languages other than English must be subtitled or dubbed
in English. Preview tapes will not be returned.


You must complete an Entry Form
for each film entered. Please see
below for the Entry Form. 


ENTRIES IS FEB. 15, 2014.



These are postmark deadlines.


Entry Fees

$25.00 for Regular Entries
posted by Feb 15 ($10 for student entries), $35.00 for entries postmarked by 
1 ($15 students). We accept personal checks drawn on US banks, a cashier’s
check or money order, and international checks or money orders (must have
written upon it “In US Funds Only”). Please make checks payable to Iowa City
International Documentary Film Festival. To pay by credit card, please use
PayPal with icd...@gmail.com.


International Entries shipped
from outside the US can waive the Entry Fee.


If you are seeking a student
discount, please include a photocopy of your current student ID along with your
entry. Our festival is FREE to the public We only entry charge fees because we
must, and we promise that your film will be viewed and considered seriously by
multiple pre-screeners.



Selection & Notification

Festival board members meet
throughout the winter to view all entries and decide which to program for the
festival competition.

We are
seeking short films (under 30 minutes) that explore the boundaries of
documentary and non-fiction filmmaking.

If your film or video is accepted, a festival Screening Copy must be received
by April 1, 2014. We also request Production Credits, Filmmaker Bio and a
Still. Film (8mm, 16mm and 35mm) is preferred whenever possible. All film
prints must be on projection reels, heads out. NO CORES. Each reel and film
container must be clearly labeled. The DVD preview copy will be used as a
backup screening copy.




Entrants are responsible for
the cost of shipping Preview Copies and Screening Copies to the festival. The
festival cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of materials while in
transit. IC DOCS will not accept entries mailed in fiber envelopes. Please use
only plastic or bubble pack cases when shipping. IC DOCS will cover the cost of
returning Screening Copies only to those programmed for festival competition.


Mailing Address:

Iowa City International
Documentary Film Festival

PO Box 3172

Iowa City, IA  52244







Please read our guidelines carefully. Fill
out this Entry Form (please print clearly!) and send it to IC DOCS along with
your Entry Fee, preview copy (REGION FREE DVD or online link), and a brief Film


Film Information 


Running Time: _:__ (30 minutes or
less only) 

Language: _ (Must be
subtitled in English) 

Date Completed (Month/Year): _/__ 


Production Company:

Student Film: ___No ___Yes (School



Student Entries must include a photocopy of a
current School ID 


Preview Format: ___DVD (region-free) __
Online link

Original Production Format: ___8mm ___16mm
___35mm ___Video ___Other 

Screening Format: ___8mm ___16mm ___35mm
___Video (What kind?) 

Will this screening be a premiere? 

___ No ___ World Premiere ___ US Premiere
___Midwest Premiere 

Screenings and Awards:




Contact Information 

First Name:  Last Name:


Mailing Address:



City: ___

Zip/Post: ___ Country:  

Telephone: _-__-___ Fax:

E-mail: __ 

Web Site: __ 

How did you hear about us?

Have your films screened with ICDOCS before?
___No ___Yes (Year___) 



Entry Fees 

Feb 15th March 1st 

Regular $25 $35 

Student $10 $15 

International free free 


Payment Information 


___Check or Money Order 

___Paypal (please print your Paypal receipt
and include with you entry as 

proof of payment) To pay by credit card,
please use PayPal with icd.