Wednesday   May 23    8:00 pm
*Millennium presents*
a new series of film dialogues of the Millennium Film Workshop, hosted by
Ken Jacobs, interlocutor.
note special location---
Theatre 80   at 80 St. Marks Place, NYC    (just west of First Ave)

The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse: Resurrected Vision an illustrated film talk
by *David Phelps on Fritz Lang... plus Harun Farocki, Thomas Harlan, Jerry
Lewis, Theodor Adorno, Jack Arnold, Jacques Rivette, Jean Renoir...  *

Admission $8 / $5, no one turned away
Come early, or stay afterwards for a drink with us at the
bar<> at
Theatre 80 Saint Marks, the special location for this event.

(Filmography for Fritz Lang's* Dr. Mabuse trilogy* follows)

"...By 1933, Dr. Mabuse, once a national nightmare is hospitalized and
screaming: “I am the state!” A specter of the times, Fritz Lang would claim
him sensibly much later, but as a victim of the 3rd Reich or their living
embodiment? Who’s the criminal who opposes the state by personifying its
infrastructure, restaging its machinations as a grotesque theater piece?
"The man of masks in a time of masks, Weimar’s pulp Odysseus as
flâneur-Ubermensch, this Mabuse channels some strange currents. A prophet
of his own times, his power in Lang’s social farce seems to be in playing
writer, director, actor, and spectator all at once. The questions remains
what this force represents, who seems capable of representing anything.
1960, and another version of Mabuse has returned to a postwar Germany under
the spell of chummy insurance agents in place of its old mad doctors. As a
director from a hotel’s bunker TV room, ever a man of his time, this Mabuse
is content to restage old clichés: history repeats itself as a greatest
hits of moments from earlier Mabuse films.

But something has changed in this switch from Weimar hedonism to vanilla
Capitalism, from theater to TV, from the industrial mechanism of the city
to this homogenous hotel whose spaces seem to multiply infinitely. It’s a
new sight of surveillance, here: It is as much Mabuse who stages the scenes
as his security cameras turning the space into a giant simulation of life.
No longer do these scenes need to be even plotted, directed, or viewed; the
images on the monitor, like the spaces, like the Mabuses, seem to
proliferate as an endless hall of mirrors covering any sign of an author.
It was the idea of a bullet that could pierce a body without leaving a
trace that inspired him, Lang said. Once the embodiment of the times, his
new Mabuse is wholly disembodied, an empty brand name, an image without a
trace. But Lang’s hoariest film is also his closest to documentary—the end
of a tradition, it looks forward to a new cinema only by turning back on
itself as critique."      – David Phelps

* Fritz Lang's Dr. Mabuse trilogy:
1922 Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler/ Dr. Mabuse the Gambler
1933 The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
1960 The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse

David Phelps is an editor and writer at La Furia Umana, and has contributed
to publications including Notebook, Senses of Cinema, LOLA, Cinema Scope,
BOMB, and The L Mag. He’s writing a cinetract series called The Secret
History of America, as well as working on Fritz Lang. Phelps is also a
programmer, movie-maker, private tutor and lives in New York.

Help us launch this monthly series ~ Please forward widely ~
or go to our Facebook Event
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use " <http://goog_631980534/>Invite
" <> to spread the word.

*Standup Movie Professor *evenings will be once a month, generally on
We will be roving with this series to credentialed and uncredentialed
auditoriums beyond our walls.
Anyone with or without degrees is welcome to propose ideas for future
Our 2012 guests will include Ernie Gehr, Amy Taubin, John Matturri, Mark
McElhattan, Grahame Weinbren and more.

Please note:
*-- This event is at Theatre 80 St Marks*--
80 St. Marks Place near 1st Avenue
(and come early or stay late for a drink with us at their

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