Dear Frameworks readers,
I've organized two shows coming up; one this weekend and one the next, in
San Francisco and Los Angeles respectively. The first program brings a
number of Super 8 and 16mm films made at / through the Echo Park Film
Center to screen in the Bay Area, all for the first time. The second is the
thirty-first program in the on-going New Works Salon series that I have
been curating at the Echo Park Film Center since 2012. If you find yourself
in either city, please consider coming.
Rick Bahto

Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 8 pm

*Films from the Southland*

Artists’ Television Access / 992 Valencia St. San Francisco 94110

This program brings together a sampling of recent works in Super 8 and 16mm
made through the Echo Park Film Center in Los Angeles, including works made
through the LA AIR artist-in-residency program. The residency program has
facilitated the creation of dozens of new works in film and video by
providing Los Angeles-based artists access to space, time, and resources.
This program will include *Haruko Tanaka’s The Soroban and the Present *is
part abacus (soroban) tutorial, part historical account, part freeway
numerology meditation, and part guerrilla ringing and field recordings of 2
forgotten L.A. bells, while *John Palmer’s Intimations #1 *features Super 8
portraits of strangers and their secrets and spaces. *Pablo Valencia *will
show a suite of Super 8 miniatures, *Kate Brown *shows her Super 8 film
*4X3*, and *Alee Peoples *will show her *untitled *8mm visual translation
of a 1963 pop song’s lyrics. For the past few years EPFC has also been
commissioning new works in Super 8 and 8mm film from artists around the
world. This program features a small selection of these films,
including *Martine
Syms’ L’Inventaire, *in which a man gestures on screen to describe the
various parts of a hardcover book, while a woman recounts the books that
have changed her life in Jacques Prévert's poetic style, *Daniel Marlos’
Odalisque,* a structuralist document of the repetition and variation of a
quilted ground and the nude female figure that reclines upon it,* Tomonari
Nishikawa’s Manahttan One Two Three, Jessica Storm’s Yesterday’s News, *as
well as works by Bay Area artists *Paul Clipson *and *Rosario Sotelo. */ $7–10

*Filmmakers Kate Brown, Rosario Sotelo, and Jessica Storm in person! *


Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 8 pm

*New Works Salon XXXI: Brookbank, Cannizzaro, Ciummo, Flowers, Hahn,
Monahan, Valencia*

Echo Park Film Center / 1200 N Alvarado St

The New Works Salons series is a casual forum for the presentation and
discussion of new works in film, video, sound, and performance, with local
and visiting artists in-person to introduce their work. *John Cannizzaro *will
show *Dodecahedron, *a light-hearted primer on image making. Using three
16mm film projectors and a separate sound source, this film “happening”
explores the multi-layered process of capturing images. This film was
commissioned by EPFC on our 12th anniversary! *Reza Monahan *will show *Gravely
Mistaken Identities, *a modified piece taken from a multi-media
installation installed last August at Monte Vista Projects. Unfolding as a
conversation between operatives of time and place, this film utilizes a
charged "discussion" to pull movement from degrees of stillness while
ushering stillness back into forms of hyper-active movement. *Olivia Ciummo
*will show her work *On The Evening: *between the sky and ground is an
anxious state of affairs—a tropical nighttime landscape, re-photographed
historical sites, political boundaries and the elasticity of a dream
state. Also
on the program: *Karissa Hahn *will show a new series of short works made
on Super 8, including *1_ _ _ _1, 1_ /\ _ _1, *along with a video piece
titled* Chipping Off, too,* *Ursula Brookbank *will perform* Marguritte: A
Demonstration *for overheard projector, 16mm film, and cake, and we’ll have
recent Super 8 films by *Pablo Valencia *and by New York based artist *Marquita
Flowers. *

$5 suggested donation
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