>From the Southern Food website...


Black Cat Cookies

        * 1 cup crunchy peanut butter 
        * 1/3 cup water 
        * 2 eggs 
        * 1 pkg. chocolate cake mix 
        * small candy-coated chocolate candies 
        * red hots
Preparation:Beat together peanut butter, eggs, and water. Gradually add cake 
mix. Mix well. Form dough into 1-inch balls. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. 
Flatten balls with bottom of glass dipped in sugar. Pinch out 2 ears at top of 
cookie. Add small candy-coated chocolate candies for eyes and red hots for 
nose. Score with a fork to form whiskers. Bake at 375° for 8 to 10 minutes.
Makes about 4 dozen cookies. 
Rhonda G in Missouri
Pen Pal, Friend, Mom and Chief Bottle Washer


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