Howdy all,

On last night's Byte Into It, we had whole lot of software freedom
discussion, and Vanessa even gave a shout-out to Free Software Melbourne
for tonight.

* LibreOffice 3.6 released, and people can upgrade or stay with the
  previous release as it's still supported.

* CyanogenMod 9 released as stable for dozens of smartphones and

* A new TV-connected game console based on Android, the Ouya has been
  funded with over US$8mn and will be hackable from day one.

* Adobe cautiously joins the free-software font movement with Source
  Sans Pro released under free software terms, treading ground blazed by
  foundries like Arkandis and Bitstream and The League of Moveable Type.

* User rights online are championed by the Terms Of Service; Didn't Read
  and Data Protection announcements.

* Codecademy adds Python courses to their online training.

* Ben is excited leading up to this year's PyCon AU convention for
  Python programmers, in Hobart this weekend.

* Tor Books, who earlier this year participated in the Day Against DRM
  by going completely DRM-free, is being targeted by a book publisher
  who wants authors to pressure Tor to DRM-encumber their books and
  bends the truth of DRM in the message.

* We discuss how DRM is an anti-feature, that (unlike a feature)
  customers are willing to go to significant effort to avoid having in
  the product, as more people (in the USA) read e-books, more often than
  dead-tree books.

* Music and book publishers release bundles of DRM-free,
  pay-what-you-want works.

* Google announce they will make search rankings worse for sites
  targeted by takedown notices.

* Monthly tech meetups in Melbourne: DrupalMel mentoring session,
  Melbourne Raspberry Jam, and Free Software Melbourne.

At <URL:> you
can download the audio for the show.

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