Free Software Meeting Announcement: August 18th 2016

What does the Australian democratic system have in common with Eurovision?

No. It's not the wigs and over the top singing... No not the ongoing
controversies and backstabbing...

It's the backroom dealings over the voting, that and Paul Foxworthy. While
it's too soon to fully understand the ramifications of the updated senate
voting it's never too soon to start talking about Eurovision. This month
Paul will discuss his ongoing project and how similar
techniques might be applicable to other (more entertaining) voting systems

We'll also be having our regular Gnews segment where we hope to discuss
something other than the census, but we'll have to see about that, and as
usual we'll end the night with a stroll down Errol st to KL Bunga Raya,
hope to see you all there... doors at Electron Workshop (31 Arden Street)
open at 6pm with the event kicking off at about 6:30pm and drinks are
available at EW member prices!

Paul Foxworthy (@ConcreteGannet) is an open source developer and trainer
living in Melbourne. He  works with Open Source Industry Australia and is a
director of Coherent Software
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