Hey Free/Libre and Open Source Supporters,

This month we will be joined by a representitive of the Flux party to
discuss the state of issue-based direct democracy in Australia.

The Flux Party is a tool Australians can use to directly participate in
parliament. Flux is a party during the election but once there are elected
Flux Party MP’s and senators that’s where the difference begins. Your Flux
representatives give up their autonomy and vote according to the people.
They cast their votes in line with the outcomes produced by the Flux
ecosystem comprised of ordinary Aussies like you.

You can checkout the flux website or join the party (it's free as in $0)
here: https://voteflux.org

After the discussion we will have our regular Gnews segment and then head
down to Errol street for dinner and Free/Libre and Open Source Small-talk.

Hope to see you at 6:30pm on Thursday the 19th of April at Electron
Workshop for our regular Free Software Melbourne meet-up.

Event details
Thursday 19th Apr, 6:30-8:00pm
31 Arden St, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051
Map: http://osm.org/go/uG4HWyqEz?m=&node=2556615434
Running late or can't find us? Call Ben on 0419 390 496
Free-software-melb mailing list

Free Software Melbourne home page: http://www.freesoftware.asn.au/melb/

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