On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Isaac Richards wrote:
>This shouldn't be necessary -- ui/freeamp/include should be in $OSINC, 
>configure puts it there when it sees you have gtk installed.. see line 429 of
>configure.in =)

Ok, that's the problem, I don't have GTK installed.  But it isn't the GTK
code that is using this include directory.  It is ftc/winamp/winamp.cpp ->
winamp.h -> themeformat.h.  Thus, without GTK, freeamp will not compile.

Here is a patch to fix the previous patch I sent.  The problem was that I
placed one of the directories too far up the list.  As a result, the mkdir
failed because a parent directory didn't exist.  Here is the fix.  Sorry I
didn't see this earlier, I did a clean build and this problem came up.

Index: Makefile.in
RCS file: /src/repository/freeamp/Makefile.in,v
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -r1.53 Makefile.in
--- Makefile.in 2000/03/23 06:18:40     1.53
+++ Makefile.in 2000/03/23 07:20:33
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 DIRECTORIES += io/esound/src io/http io/local io/obs io/src io/soundcard
 DIRECTORIES += io/soundcard/beos io/soundcard/unix io/soundcard/unix/linux
 DIRECTORIES += io/soundcard/beos/src io/soundcard/unix/linux/src 
-DIRECTORIES += io/wavout io/wavout/src io/wavout/include plm/metadata/cddb
+DIRECTORIES += io/wavout io/wavout/src io/wavout/include
 DIRECTORIES += io/soundcard/unix/solaris lib lib/xml lib/zlib lmc lmc/xingmp3
 DIRECTORIES += io/soundcard/unix/solaris/src lib/gdbm lib/xml/src lib/zlib/src
 DIRECTORIES += plm plm/metadata plm/playlist plm/portable
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 DIRECTORIES += ui/cmdline ui/download/unix/src ui/freeamp/beos/src 
 DIRECTORIES += ui/freeamp/tools ui/freeamp/unix ui/irman ui/lcd ui/musicbrowser
 DIRECTORIES += ui/freeamp/src ui/freeamp/tools/src ui/freeamp/unix/src
-DIRECTORIES += ui/musicbrowser/unix ui/mpg123 plm/playlist/pls
+DIRECTORIES += ui/musicbrowser/unix ui/mpg123 plm/playlist/pls plm/metadata/cddb
 DIRECTORIES += ui/irman/src ui/lcd/src ui/musicbrowser/unix/src ui/ncurses
 DIRECTORIES += update update/unix lmc/cd lmc/cd/src io/cd io/cd/unix 
 DIRECTORIES += io/cd/unix/src lib/unzip lib/unzip/src ftc ftc/winamp



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