This should hopefully be the last release candidate before we release
the 2.1 final version. As usual, to download go here:

Aside from the changes listed below, I've set up the automatic stream
update scripts on the server. Now when the user opens up the streams
tree in the music browser they will get a listing of the top icecast
streams, and digitally imported streams.

If you have a stream that you'd like to suggest to be added to the
FreeAmp Team & Friends picks, please drop me a line of e-mail.

Changes for version 2.1.0 rc4
- MusicBrainz CD lookup will no longer attempt to look up each track
  after the first track lookup fails.
- The data coming from the MB client lib and the vorbis metadata plugin
  now gets converted to ISO 8859-1
- The ALSA plugin does not report an error during stream rebuffering
- Stream rebuffering values have been tweaked a bit to improve the
  rebuffering of the stream.
- The proxy support has been improved. Previously the URI special
  character encoding function was a bit too overzealous.
- The mouse wheel/middle button mute was not working properly on themes
  without a mute button.
- Added support for redirects for http streaming

--ruaok         Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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