Hi, my apologies if anyone gets this twice, just trying to increase coverage..

We've updated the version of TRM that's included in the MusicBrainz client
library.  It's now much more robust against normalized audio tracks -- so it
does a lot better than the previous versions at matching random tracks
downloaded from unreliable sources. =)

This update's passed through our internal test suite and it's now time for more
expanded, external testing before it goes live on the real MB server.

So, if you're interested in helping make sure that MB's audio recognition's the
best it can be, here's how to help (sorry 'bout the unix-centric directions):

Grab the snapshot of the MB client library from:

Compile and install as normal -- if you're using CVS, you can get it by
checking out the sha1 branch of 'mb_client' (something like: "cvs -z3 co -r sha1

Then, grab and install current FreeAmp cvs..  The URL below is a current
snapshot of CVS, and can be used instead:

Using FreeAmp CVS isn't required to test the new code, it's just a bit more
stable than the previous release, and creates a debugging file of the
GUIDs/filename pairs that are generated during the signaturing process.

Once everything's installed, you're all set to begin testing.  All you need to
do is enable the Relatable features as normal in FreeAmp and have it find and
signature your music collection..  If you're using CVS freeamp, the file
'guid_mapping.txt' in your ~/.freeamp directory is a list of everything that's
been signatured.  Basically, we're mainly interested in files getting the same
GUID that shouldn't be -- ie., mis-matched songs.  Things that should match
but don't are also of interest, but there _will_ be more of those, and those
are a less important problem than things matching when they shouldn't..  

It's relatively easy to scan the guid_mapping.txt file for duplicate GUIDs --
you can just import the file into a spreadsheat or whatnot and sort the lines.. 
If that's too much effort, you can email the guid_mapping.txt file to me
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I'll scan it for you..  In fact, just send me the
guid_mapping.txt files, that's easier =)

If any mismatched tracks are found, then it gets a bit more fun..  We'd like to
get access to the first 30 seconds of both of the tracks.  So, we've put up a
publicly accessible upload area at ftp://www.relatable.com/incoming
If people email me their guid_mapping.txt files, I'll just send out mail asking
for particular tracks, etc..

We hope to have this (and the SHA1 acceptance algorithm Robert keeps
mentioning) in use on the main MusicBrainz server in as little as a week, so
any help anyone can give in testing will be much appreciated.


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