looks cool valters. i guess we are going to have to have a theme browser on our


Valters Vingolds wrote:

> Here's my work, I hope you(all) find it worth using...
> There are few shorcomings I know, but I want feedback now :)
> 1. Slider not done (It's for positioning in song).
> 2. I had to draw pause button, it looks crap (I have crappy artistic
> abilities)
> 3. Text windows are not tested
> 4. Load button functions as "quit" for now.
> 5. Proabably no good way to implement "increase" volume. Will have to think
> of something.
> Some suggestions/problems that I found in Themes:
> 0. Robert, thanks for listening to me! Here's some more.
> 1. TransIndex in Bitmap is made mandatory - I think it's not right, it's
> not HTML spirit.
> What does that blasted option is supposed to do? I can't figure it out.
> 3. Play/Pause relationship is hardcoded. I would prefer if there was a
> config option in the
> XML file to do that.
> Like this:
>         <ButtonControl Name="Play">
>             <Position Rect="42, 54, 58, 73">
>             <ControlBitmap Rect="0, 60, 67, 79" Name="Buttons"/>
>             <NextState Name="Pause" Hide="1">
>         </ButtonControl>
>         <ButtonControl Name="Pause">
>             <Position Rect="42, 54, 58, 73">
>             <ControlBitmap Rect="0, 123, 67, 142" Name="Buttons"/>
>             <NextState Name="Play" Hide="1">
>         </ButtonControl>
> The Hide option would mean to do what is being done now - to replace play
> with pause.
> If Hide=0, then Play would get disabled, and Pause enabled, for layouts
> where one does
> not want Play/Pause to share place (like,say, Hi-Fi knockoff skins).
> Probably the hide=1 behaviour
> should be default one.
> 3.a <NextState> would enable one to have chained state buttons (like order
> song button- none/shuffle/by track/by style) Flexibility, huh?!
> 3.b Multiple buttons with same function are now possible, yippee!
> But to implement 'linking' properly one needs to be able to to distinguish
> from each button.
> I would propose 'name.extension' scheme. Essentially, "Name" goes like
> "Pause.1" "Pause.2" "Pause.3". The code that evaluates button function
> should ignore the 'extension'.
> The linking (NextState) code, would seek the name AS SPECIFIED, therefore
> each name= being unique.
> 4. Need "LoadSong/Playlist" button type
> 5. Slider: should be able to do not only ---x--- type slided but 'filling
> pipe' type too...
> <flexibility freak, hard at work>
> 6. Buttons being specified with RECT=
> Someone might want to have Up-state buttons in one bitmap
> and Down state in another. Like with 'rainplay' skins - it uses 2 bitmaps -
> one, player with
> all buttons 'up' and onother, with all buttons 'down'.
> There should be way to specify unique rect (and possibly from different
> bitmap) for each button state.
> Proposed scheme: one could say, define button 'width and height' and then
> go specifying bitmaps and x,y coordinates for each button state separately.
>         <ButtonControl Name="Pause">
>             <Position Rect="42, 54, 58, 73">
>             <ControlBitmap2 Width="18" Height="20">
>                 <WhenUp Pos="0,0" Name="Bitmap1"/>
>                 <WhenDown Pos="0,0" Name="Bitmap1"/>
>                 <WhenHover Pos="0,0" Name="Bitmap1"/>
>                 <WhenDisabled Pos="0,0" Name="Bitmap1"/>
>             </ControlBitmap2>
>             <NextState Name="Play" Hide="1">
>         </ButtonControl>
> (syntax probably looks somewhat silly)
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     Name: visions_0.zip
>    visions_0.zip    Type: Zip Compressed Data (application/x-zip-compressed)
>                 Encoding: base64
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Valters "WaTT" Vingolds

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