Valters Vingolds wrote:

> I run Windows 200 beta 3.
> I saw crashes in MusicBrowser.ui (while in process of adding files), of "Memory
> can't be written" type.
> These are because of char *szDrive = "X:" and then szDrive[0]='A'+i; Appears
> that windows does make szDrive a pointer to read-only memory.
> All char *szDrive = "X:" and similar declarations where one intends to later
> write to that pointer should be replaced to char szDrive[]="X:" type
> declaration.
> Just ask anyone who codes for OS with "decent" memory protection :) ...

Yup...Windows is perfectly justified in doing what they're doing. I'm
surprised nobody ran into this crash before.

The C++ standard (section lex.string) states:

1 A  string  literal  is  a  sequence  of  characters  (as  defined   in
  _lex.ccon_) surrounded by double quotes, optionally beginning with the
  letter L, as in "..." or L"...".  A string literal that does not begin
  with  L  is  an  ordinary string literal, also referred to as a narrow
  string literal.  An ordinary string literal has type "array of n const
  char"  and  static storage duration (_basic.stc_), where n is the size
  of the string as defined below, and  is  initialized  with  the  given
  characters.   A string literal that begins with L, such as L"asdf", is
  a wide string literal.  A wide string literal has  type  "array  of  n
  const wchar_t" and has static storage duration, where n is the size of
  the string as defined below, and is initialized with the given charac-

2 Whether  all  string  literals  are  distinct  (that is, are stored in
  nonoverlapping objects)  is  implementation-defined.   The  effect  of
  attempting to modify a string literal is undefined.


The effect of attempting to modify a string literal is undefined. Of
course, it didn't stop people like James Coplien from putting code
like this in their books (Advance C++ Prog. Styles & Idioms, p. 400):

char *const a = "example 1";
a[8] = '2';         // Coplien says this is OK, but it's actually undefined


| Chad Loder - Somerville, MA, USA                 |
| EMail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        |
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