what is your area so that we could better help you

nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          hey everyone my name is nikki. i am 
22 years old and am a loving 
mother to my son nicholas as well as my baby to be makayla. expanding 
our family has always been a big dream of mine and my boyfriends and 
until the last 2 months we were ready and excited for a new baby due 
in june. yet my bf was laid off of work and i have been supporting 
our faily working as many hours as i can to pay the bills. yet come 
june 1st the bay is due and yet we dont have anything yet for her. i 
do not have much family and the family that i do have is not in the 
position to help us out at the moment in order to buy us the 
blankets, clothes, bibs, bottle and more that we need. i am asking u 
all for ur help with our family. i never wanted to be a charity case 
and it takes a lot out of my pride to be asking for your help. please 
understand we are not a bad couple who spends our money on useless 
things, we are just trying to get by in this world. please do not 
leave me rude comments such as " u shoudlnt bring kids into this 
world that u cannot take care of" i believe that love is the most 
important thing for children to be raised with all that other stuff 
will come some way or another. 
so i am asking u for your kindness and help, if there is anything u 
would be able to donate to this family in need it would be greatly 
appreciated. i am having a little girl due june 1st so any type of 
clothes- onesies, sleepers, outfits, bibs etc. also blankets crib 
sheets or aything else. or even if anyone knows of any serices that 
my area or area offer that would help me and my family that would be 
gretaly appreciated also. thank you all for your help. please email 
me back or comment if u have any questions or anything. God bless you 
and thank u!


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