Initial version for a map editor to be used in Freebooters.
Very nice, with this we should be able to finish the caribbean map a lot
faster! But how can I switch from top-down view into 3D mode?

Well, the map is all 3D there are not 2D elements in the app, but the viewpoint is top-down so maybe it looks 2D, I can try to add some camera movement, but dont think its worthy since all the raytracing that marks the position takes as origin the camera position, that makes much easier to edit the map.

If you want to see it more 3D try with python that is in the same path as at the moment you can only see the map without sprites but in a close future I want to add the code to load the sprites from the XML files.

The editor can move from a top view of the caribbean map, in 3D, and
and save that for a later use in "data/map_file_name.xml".
The current height maps are split into tiles, as each tile does have
a new relative world coordinate it would be better if the generated
XML would be split into tile definitions, as well. What do you think?
Well as its now if you load in the editor lets say caribean.0.0.png it saves a caribean.0.0.xml so its tile independent.

The editor works now with only one image cc.png, but I wanted to add so it reads an argument so you have to call it as:

python editor map_file_name.png

So you can edit individually the tiles you wanted and save only that xml

Other versions
* Adjust it to make it work in Ogre-Freebooters (probably)
I'll do that and implement simple XML parsing for the level definitions.
Out current format is a crude hack anyway.
The only thing needed to adjust it, as I refer in that line of the README, is the Y height, since the X and Z position must be ok, but the Y is better when placing the sprite check the height, with raytracing, in the Ogre Map, as probably that changes.

I just upload a new just adding the Harbour rotation and harbour XML output, Im going to check the XML load in python.

Once that is done, I thing making just:
* Make the script takes the map from command line, so different maps could be loaded.

We can start working with the map editor, its really rough, the gui can use some improvement, I can spend some time with that but dont think is worthy, sadly is the weak point of Soya..

Also Im interested in the performance in your computer, how many FPS are you getting in and in

Tak note that playing with these values land.map_size = 7 and land.split_factor = 5.0 in the py files the performance changes greatly.

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