Back when we were closing in on the release date for 3.3, I sent
the following message.  As we now close in on the release date
for 3.4, I thought I'd send it again, seeing that both of the
problem reports are still marked "open", and neither of the two
patches have been applied yet.  (not even to current)

These are both pretty tiny minor lovable cuddly changes...  Any
chance of getting them in for 3.4?

Note that problem report bin/12912 probably depends on what
umask is set when lpd starts up.  The pr says "the problem
doesn't seem to be reproducible", but reproducing the problem
may depend on someone making a change elsewhere.  Given that
lpd uses the actual access-bit settings to govern it's behavior,
then it should make sure the exactly-correct bit settings are
set up when it creates the file.

Also note that the fix for bin/9362, sent in as bin/13549,
is also confirmed in bin/14975.

>Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 18:14:55 -0500
>From: Garance A Drosihn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Two fixes for lpd/lpc (printing)
>I noticed problem-report bin/9362, which reported that the
>'lpc start' command no longer works.  (it claims to start
>the queue, but it doesn't actually start it).
>I came up with a two or three line fix for that bug, and
>sent it in as problem-report bin/13549.  This patch should
>work on both freebsd-current and freebsd-stable.
>I also noticed problem report bin/12912.  This PR includes
>a patch to make sure that if a lockfile does not already
>exist, then it will be created such that the queue is both
>"enabled" and "started".  I have not tried this exact patch
>yet, but here at RPI we've had a similar patch to lpd for a
>long time.  We add printer queues to a master printcap file,
>which is then copied to a few hundred workstations.  We really
>don't want to have to run around all those workstations to
>'enable' and 'start' a queue that we have just added.  Perhaps
>we have a different 'umask' setting when lpd starts up than
>most freebsd sites do...
>Could some other people try these simple patches, and see
>how well they work?  I am hoping these could make it into
>the next official release, although I realize that time is
>rapidly running out for that!   :-)

Garance Alistair Drosehn           =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer          or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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