Fri, May 30, 2003 at 18:53:16, segr (Stephane Raimbault) wrote about "FreeBSD 
5.1-BETA2 boot up messages": 

SR> I just noticed that when I boot up in FreeBSD 5.1-BETA2 I get a whole bunch of 
SR> messages fly by the screen (see below for errors from /var/log/messages).
SR> Does anyone know what is causing this and if it's normal in BETA2?

You may reproduce it saying 'sysctl sysctl.debug' as root.
Check syntax of your /etc/sysctl.conf. Sometimes weird entries in it caused
such effect.

SR> May 30 18:26:13 wks1 kernel: 873 ac97rate RW *Handler Int
SR> May 30 18:26:13 wks1 kernel: 851 acpi R  Node
SR> May 30 18:26:13 wks1 kernel: 852 supported_sleep_state R  *Handler String

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