On 08-May-01 Edwin L. Culp wrote:
> A couple of days ago, I installed current on a Dell that had been an 
> NT server.  Everything works fine except is seems very slow.  A make 
> world on current takes over 5 hours.  A little more than my old K6-2 
> 300 laptop.
> This is the first SMP kernel I have used but I have disabled it with no
> noticable difference in speed.
> I'm sure that I am missing something very basic.  I have attached my dmesg 
> and would appreciate any suggestions as to a starting point to speed it up.
> Thanks,
> ed

-current has lots of debugging on by default.  The witness code especially is
rather slow.  However, it is helpful in finding bugs.  You can try disabling
witness by building a custom kernel or setting the loader tunable
debug.witness_watch to 0.  If you really need performance, you may want to run
stable instead of current anyways.


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