On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 09:47:36PM +0000, attila! wrote:
>     David:
>     DC395U on CURRENT from Houchard's driver works like a
>     champ on 'da' (ZIP 100) and 'cd (Creative DVD-RAM)
>     devices; I haven't had an 'sa' device since my Exabyte
>     died.
>     I've been beating on the driver for 10 days and it looks
>     good --works as advertised on the oldest kernel I have
>     around (20 Feb 2002), and at least 5 kernels this month.
>     I would say it's worth committing; can you take it
>     from here?

A commit for this driver is planned by Joerg Wunsch, according to
freebsd-scsi. It is not this one, if I remember well Joerg said Tekram
driver needed some fixes (and this one is just the one provided by 
Tekram updated a bit), but I don't know what this fixes are.
By the way the version you downloaded is not the last one, which may be
found at http://www.ci0.org/trm (I don't really remember what the diff 
are, certainly mainly style changes).


Olivier Houchard

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