poor NFS performance in CURRENT

2003-11-27 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Hi :)

I upgraded two boxes to FreeBSD-5.2-BETA a week ago and I noticed that NFS 
performance is very slow compared to 4.x-RELEASE.
Before, NFS transfers were between 10 and 12 MB/s and now I don't go past 7 
My exports/mount settings did not change and the hardware is obviously the 
My kernel is compiled without the debugging options.

Any idea where I should start looking for resolving this ?



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ntpd and kvm_getprocs

2003-11-24 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Hi :)

I'm having a problem with ntpd under 5.2-BETA
When I start ntpd, I get the following error message:

$ /etc/rc.d/ntpd start
ps: kvm_getprocs: No such process
Starting ntpd.

ntpd get started anyway but does not seem to work, my /var/db/ntp.drift file
contains "0.000" and this never changes ... !

Here is my ntp.conf file:
server ntp.univ-lyon1.fr prefer
server clepsydra.dec.com
server ntp0.nl.net
driftfile /var/db/ntp.drift
restrict mask notrust nomodify notrap
restrict default ignore


Antoine Jacoutot 
PGP/GnuPG key: http://www.lphp.org/ressources/ajacoutot.asc 
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Re: Re: rpc.lockd core dumped

2003-11-21 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
> I can only say that I had a core dump under current on sparc, but the core
> file was unusable. Can you compile rcp.lockd with -g in CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
> and try to find out with gdb where it aborts?
> harti

Hi :)

I investigate a little more this nfs locking issue.
I recompile my system with CURRENT from "Wed Nov 19 12:53:04".
rpc.lockd core dump still appear but I noticed something: each time, just before
it crashed, I can hear a very low noise coming from my harddrive. It is hard to
describe, but it looks like if my hardrive was powering on or coming back from
hibernate mode (or something like this).
Is there a way to check this ? Like maybe a command to force hardrive not to
stop or something ?


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Re: upgraded to CURRENT = system is dead

2003-11-17 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Tuesday 18 November 2003 00:17, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> Users need to specify a single target of 'installkernel',
> with no blanks between the two words.  Antoine, was that
> just a typo, or did you really do 'make install kernel'?

I was a typo :)

Antoine Jacoutot
PGP/GnuPG key: http://www.lphp.org/ressources/ajacoutot.asc

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Re: upgraded to CURRENT = system is dead

2003-11-16 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Selon Michael Collette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I just ran into this very same thing today on a brand new installation.  Upon
> reboot I can't even get to a shell.  Was rather hoping someone had some more
> information about this.
> Running the installation on an IBM xSeries 305 with a P4.  Going to try the 
> installation fresh with a cvsup back to Nov 1st to see how it goes.  Thank 
> the Unix gods this wasn't a production machine.

Someone told me a solution for this:

" If you are looking for a fast and temporary solution, just to finish the
installworld process, you can export the following value to the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable: "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lib:/usr/lib" "
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Re: upgraded to CURRENT = system is dead

2003-11-15 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Selon Aron HÃ¥kanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If you are looking for a fast and temporary solution, just to finish the
> installworld process, you can export the following value to the
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable: "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lib:/usr/lib"

Hey :)
Thanks a lot... I'll try that.

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Re: upgraded to CURRENT = system is dead

2003-11-15 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Selon Dylan Wylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The idea is that you need to build a new kernel with the new sources before
> you install 
> world.
> You built your kernel before building the sources, so your kernel is based on
> old source.
> Quoting from another message:
> > make buildworld
> > make buildkernel
> > make installkernel
> > reboot
> > make installworld

--> yes... but I get this during the installworld:
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libedit.so.4" not found
Stop in /usr/src

I just tried it again from scratch but got the same error... !

If anyone has an idea...

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Re: upgraded to CURRENT = system is dead

2003-11-15 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Selon long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> reboot
> make world
> single user mode, make installworld
> reboot
> and it's up and running... no more sig12 or anything like that...

Yes, but no !

I don't have any sig12 error...
I have: /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libedit.so.4" not found
And I can't even mount anything :(
I followed everything that was in UPDATING...

So my box is really dead... right ?
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upgraded to CURRENT = system is dead

2003-11-14 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Hi :)

I just upgraded with cvsup to CURRENT.
I read UPDATING to make sure I would have no problem, but maybe I misunerstood
Here is what I did:
$ cvsup blablabla...
$ make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL && make install kernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
$ reboot (in single user mode)
$ make buildworld
$ make installworld
.. --> error during the installworld:
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libedit.so.4" not found

Now, any command I try to launch gives me this exact same error and my system is
then totally useless... :(
Anything I could do ?
Please please, tell me my box isn't dead...

By the way, I compiled CURRENT with dynamic root.

Thanks in advance.

Antoine Jacoutot 
PGP/GnuPG key: http://www.lphp.org/ressources/ajacoutot.asc 
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Re: rpc.lockd core dumped

2003-11-10 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
> Check to make sure that rpc.statd is running.  There was an old bug that
> rpc.lockd would dump core if it couldn't find a statd.

Ho, it is running :)
Actually, all my homedir are mounted with NFS, so rpc.lockd get used a lot.
That is why it is an important concern to me.
I couldn't find any repeatable behaviour that would make rpc.lockd crashes.
Sometimes, it will crash when I launch an application, sometime, it will
just crash after 30 minutes of inactivities on my client...
The server is running CURRENT and the clients are running 5.1-p10.
I know it is not a very stable/secure configuration, but it is done on
purpuse of testing the new functionnalities under a semi-production


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Re: rpc.lockd core dumped

2003-11-10 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
I will  rpc.lockd with -ggdb as you said and see if it is repeatable.
Unfortunately, I'm not home right now, so I'll do this in 3 o 4 days.



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Re: rpc.lockd core dumped

2003-11-08 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Saturday 08 November 2003 12:26, Harti Brandt wrote:
> I can only say that I had a core dump under current on sparc, but the core
> file was unusable. Can you compile rcp.lockd with -g in CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
> and try to find out with gdb where it aborts?

Allright, as soon as I get home in 4/5 days, I'll do that.


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rpc.lockd core dumped

2003-11-08 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Hi :)

Are they any know issues with rpc.lockd under -CURRENT.
I had a look at the gnats database and did not find anything related.
I'm asking this because I have a lot of:
kernel: pid 70065 (rpc.lockd), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)

Any idea ?
I would be pleased to send more information but I didn't see where to find 
more debuging options for rpc.lockd.

5.1-CURRENT #0: Tue Nov  4 01:44:35 CET 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/
obj/usr/src/sys/KERNSRV01  i386

Thanks in advance.

Antoine Jacoutot
PGP/GnuPG key: http://www.lphp.org/ressources/ajacoutot.asc

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Re: NFS client mount options in CURRENT/5.1-

2003-11-06 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Scott W wrote:

mount -tnfs -orw,rsize=8196,wsize=8196,bg,hard,intr,async sol:/export /mnt
nfs: -o rsize=: option not supported
Try "-r 8196 -w 8196" and have a look at man mount_nfs.


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Re: if_tun failed to register

2003-11-05 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 23:25, Brian Lynn wrote:
> will be run at startup if you have any ifconfig_tun* lines in rc.conf.
> You can see if ifconfig is the culprit by booting single-user and doing
> ifconfig tun0 (it is only the first attempt that gives the error message
> in question).  If so, the following (Untested!) patch would presumably

But I don't have any "ifconfig_tun*" in rc.conf; although I do have the 
ppp_enable set on.
Do you think I should try your patch anyway ?


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Re: if_tun failed to register

2003-11-05 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 23:07, Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> FWIW, tun _is_ in the kernel if you compile it in, but gets loaded a second
> time. The module which gets loaded isn't actually used.

Hum, strange... :)
Do you know if the lastest -CURRENT fixes that ?


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Re: if_tun failed to register

2003-11-05 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 22:47, Brooks Davis wrote:
> > Thanks, I'm happy I'm not the only one seeing this :)
> > It looks like ppp does not get compiled in the kernel either... :(
> ppp(4) is in GENERIC.  You just have to create the devices like:

No !
Although tun and ppp are in GENERIC, they get loaded as modules anyway under 
5-CURRENT... at least under my box.
This is so strange.


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Re: if_tun failed to register

2003-11-05 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 18:37, you wrote:
> It's been there for quite a while, I see that behaviour in 5.1-RELEASE,
> too.

Thanks, I'm happy I'm not the only one seeing this :)
It looks like ppp does not get compiled in the kernel either... :(


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Re: if_tun failed to register

2003-11-04 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Matteo Riondato wrote:
Well, it did not change anything :(
What is really strange is that "tun" is compiled in the kernel, but the 
module is started anyway ???

I had the same problem last year and solved it by removing
device tun 
from the kernel configuration file.
Yes, I though about it. But still, it is a strange bug and I cannot 
believe I (well, and you :) ) am the only one seeing this.
Thanks for the feedback


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Re: if_tun failed to register

2003-11-04 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Max Laier wrote:
> AJ> 
> AJ> module_register: module if_tun already exists!
> AJ> Module if_tun failed to register: 17
> AJ> can't re-use a leaf (if_tun_debug)!
> AJ> 
AJ> Is there a kernel option I missed ? I already have "device tun" in
AJ> my kernel config file.
This might be due to missing/incomplete "mergemaster" after
installworld? Try to remove your rc.d related stuff from etc before
running "mergemaster -i". The scripts should not try to "kldload
if_tun" if you allready have tun interfaces (built in).
Well, it did not change anything :(
What is really strange is that "tun" is compiled in the kernel, but the 
module is started anyway ???

$ kldstat
Id Refs AddressSize Name
 16 0xc040 35aef8   kernel
 21 0xc075b000 4cd10acpi.ko
 31 0xc463d000 4000 logo_saver.ko
 41 0xc46e2000 4000 if_tun.ko
Here is a part of my kernel configuration:

device miibus
device fxp
device random
device loop
device ether
device ppp
device tun
device pty
device bpf
options ETGRAPH
options IPDIVERT
options RANDOM_IP_ID
I thank you very much for your answer.



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if_tun failed to register

2003-11-04 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Hi :)

I just migrated a 4.8 server to -CURRENT and I have one question.
At boot time I get the following message:

module_register: module if_tun already exists!
Module if_tun failed to register: 17
can't re-use a leaf (if_tun_debug)!

Then I can see a "if_tun.ko" in my loaded modules.
What is this module ? I guess this has to do with the fact that I connect to
internet using ppp, but this module did not appear under 4.8.
Is there a kernel option I missed ?
I already have "device tun" in my kernel config file.

Thanks in advance.

Antoine Jacoutot 
PGP/GnuPG key: http://www.lphp.org/ressources/ajacoutot.asc 
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Re: OpenLDAP/nss_ldap/pam_ldap

2003-10-29 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Wednesday 29 October 2003 00:42, you wrote:
> I just checked the FreeBSD site and do not see any release 5.2

It is not release yet :)

> Once i can hurl this obsticle, i think FreeBSD might be a viable
> solution for me.

Well, let be it then... I'm running -CURRENT with dynamic root and it works 


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Re: OpenLDAP/nss_ldap/pam_ldap

2003-10-28 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
On Tuesday 28 October 2003 23:52, Steve Lee wrote:
> I have gotten FreeBSD 5.1 to authenticate user remotely
> ssh ing to the box.  They can log in, but when they log
> in, the system shows their userid instead of the username
> when you do a ps.   this tells me something might be
> wrong with nss_ldap.  but not sure what i am doing wrong.
> I can do "id "  which it returns the user information.

You need to build FreeBSD with dynamic libraries...
It only works under -CURRENT with the "WITH_DYNAMICROOT=true" option in your 
I think it is supposed to be the default for 5.2-RELEASE.


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Re: Upgrading to FreeBSD 5.1

2003-09-16 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Kris Kennaway wrote:

On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 03:13:30PM -0400, Didier Rwitura wrote:

I am trying to upgrade my sysstem from 4.8-RELEASE-p4 to 5.1 

and i getting this error message when I run "make -j4 buildworld" 
I had the same problem.
Making without the "-j4" option works however.

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2003-08-30 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Hash: SHA1

Hi !

I just set up a test server running FreeBSD-5.1 with pam_ldap and nss_ldap for 
It works really nice so far.
I have a little question though: I wanted the user homedir to be created the 
first time a user logs in if it does not exist. I know I need pam_mkhomedir 
for this but I can't find it under 5.1.
If I remember, pam_mkhomedir was in the contrib section under 4.x. Any idea 
why it is not part of FreeBSD anymore ? Or do you know any other way of 
auto-creating users homedir ?

Thanks in advance,


- -- 
Antoine Jacoutot
PGP/GnuPG key: http://www.lphp.org/ressources/ajacoutot.asc
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Re: Palm syncing over USB on FreeBSD, any hopes?

2003-07-29 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 29 July 2003 19:24, Rajappa Iyer wrote:
> ucom0: Palm, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 2
> ucom0: init failed, STALLED
> device_probe_and_attach: ucom0 attach returned 6

Try this: http://www.lphp.org/popups/articleswindow.php?id=13

It's been working great for me since FreeBSD-4.7 (now running 4.8) with 
a Palm m505.

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