Running rvplayer crashes the system.  Catting a small .au
file works but a large one panics the system so I think the
problem may just be the drq difference.  I know a number of
people in the FreeBSD crowd have this system (a Toshiba
Equium 6200M -- a `good' buy 15 months back) so this can't be
an isolated problem.  I will be tracking this down but there
is some bootstrap time involved and may be someone has
already done this...

Thanks for any help!

-- bakul

I don't have the panic message handy at the moment but can
generate it if it'll help.

demsg reports:

    pcm0: <CS4236B> at port 0x534-0x537,0x388-0x38b,0x220-0x22f irq 5 drq 1,0 on isa0

My old /kernel.config used to say

    pnp 1 0 os enable port0 0x534 port1 0x388 port2 0x220 irq0 5 drq0 1 drq1 3

[note: this used to work with an older current from June]

Kernel config file has

    controller pnp0
    device pcm0

pnpinfo dump [note: this shows drq 1 & 3]

# pnpinfo
Checking for Plug-n-Play devices...

Card assigned CSN #1
Vendor ID CSC0b35 (0x350b630e), Serial Number 0xffffffff
PnP Version 1.0, Vendor Version 1
Device Description: CS4236B Audio

Logical Device ID: CSC0000 0x0000630e #0
Device Description: WSS/SB
TAG Start DF
Good Configuration
    DMA: channel(s) 1 
        8-bit, not a bus master, count by byte, , Type A
    DMA: channel(s) 0 3 
        8-bit, not a bus master, count by byte, , Type A
    IRQ: 5  - only one type (true/edge)
    I/O Range 0x534 .. 0x534, alignment 0x4, len 0x4
        [16-bit addr]
    I/O Range 0x388 .. 0x388, alignment 0x8, len 0x4
        [16-bit addr]
    I/O Range 0x220 .. 0x220, alignment 0x20, len 0x10
        [16-bit addr]
TAG Start DF
Acceptable Configuration
    DMA: channel(s) 1 3 
        8-bit, not a bus master, count by byte, , Type A
    DMA: channel(s) 0 1 3 
        8-bit, not a bus master, count by byte, , Type A
    IRQ: 5 7 9 11 12 15  - only one type (true/edge)
    I/O Range 0x534 .. 0xffc, alignment 0x4, len 0x4
        [16-bit addr]
    I/O Range 0x388 .. 0x388, alignment 0x8, len 0x4
        [16-bit addr]
    I/O Range 0x220 .. 0x260, alignment 0x20, len 0x10
        [16-bit addr]
TAG Start DF
Sub-optimal Configuration
    DMA: channel(s) 0 1 3 
        8-bit, not a bus master, count by byte, , Type A
    IRQ: 5 7 9 11 12 15  - only one type (true/edge)
    I/O Range 0x534 .. 0xffc, alignment 0x4, len 0x4
        [16-bit addr]
    I/O Range 0x388 .. 0x3f8, alignment 0x8, len 0x4
        [16-bit addr]
    I/O Range 0x220 .. 0x300, alignment 0x20, len 0x10
        [16-bit addr]

Logical Device ID: CSC0001 0x0100630e #1
Device Description: GAME
TAG Start DF
Good Configuration
    I/O Range 0x200 .. 0x200, alignment 0x8, len 0x8
        [16-bit addr]
TAG Start DF
Acceptable Configuration
    I/O Range 0x208 .. 0x208, alignment 0x8, len 0x8
        [16-bit addr]

Logical Device ID: CSC0010 0x1000630e #2
Device Description: CTRL
    I/O Range 0x120 .. 0xff8, alignment 0x8, len 0x8
        [16-bit addr]

Logical Device ID: CSC0003 0x0300630e #3
Device Description: MPU
TAG Start DF
Good Configuration
    IRQ: 9  - only one type (true/edge)
    I/O Range 0x330 .. 0x330, alignment 0x8, len 0x2
        [16-bit addr]
TAG Start DF
Acceptable Configuration
    IRQ: 9 11 12 15  - only one type (true/edge)
    I/O Range 0x300 .. 0x3f8, alignment 0x8, len 0x2
        [16-bit addr]
End Tag

Successfully got 44 resources, 4 logical fdevs
-- card select # 0x0001

CSN CSC0b35 (0x350b630e), Serial Number 0xffffffff

Logical device #0
IO:  0x0534 0x0534 0x0534 0x0534 0x0534 0x0534 0x0534 0x0534
IRQ 5 0
DMA 1 0
IO range check 0x00 activate 0x01

Logical device #1
IO:  0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
IRQ 0 0
DMA 4 4
IO range check 0x00 activate 0x01

Logical device #2
IO:  0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
IRQ 0 0
DMA 4 4
IO range check 0x00 activate 0x00

Logical device #3
IO:  0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
IRQ 0 0
DMA 4 4
IO range check 0x00 activate 0x00

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