Some "large footprint" changes have been made to the CVS tree and should
be nearly finished.  In a nutshell:

- $Id$ and all other traditional rcs keywords are now preserved and
no longer touched by our tools.

- $FreeBSD$ is expanded as an alias for $CVSHeader$  (like $Header$ but
with the CVSROOT path chopped off).

- -ko expansion on certain parts of the tree has been turned off as it's
no longer needed to preserve vendor $Id$s.

This has a couple of important implications for people pulling down the
cvs tree.  First, make sure you are fetching at least the src-base
collection as this expansion is controlled by CVSROOT/options.
Without it, $FreeBSD$ won't get expanded.  FYI it looks like this:

The first line sets the tag alias (ie: $FreeBSD$ is exapanded like
$CVSHeader$), and the second line controls the expansion..  it means
 "i"nclude only $FreeBSD$ in the list of expanded keywords.

These changes to cvs and rcs have their roots in code obtained a long time
ago from the XFree86 folks.

There have been a few hiccups along the way.  cvsweb.cgi isn't quite doing
the right thing yet, but that will be fixed shortly.


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