On 31-Jan-2003 Kirk R Wythers wrote:
> I ran into a strange issue while trying to do a cd install from the
> 5.0-RELEASE cds. After booting from the cd, the install skips the kernel
> configuration menue completely (I've never seen that before), then jumps
> right into sysinsall. I select 'standard install', and I see the folloing:

The USERCONFIG stuff isn't around anymore in 5.0.

> afd0
> da0
> da1
> adf0 is a zip250 drive on this box. Why is that showing up here? If I
> choose to use the entire disk on da0 and da1 (no dual boot concerns), and
> install the 'standard mbr' on the da0, I seem to be stuck going back to the
> 'choose the drive' 
> afd0
> da0
> da1 
> menue without getting to the the disklable editor....
> What am I doing wrong? thanks

Use Tab to move down to 'Ok' after you have finished using fdisk on
your drives and then hit Enter to continue.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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