In FreeBSD 13.0 when I update the kernel and world I receive the following 
error message during mergemaster:

ka-freebsd:/usr/src# mergemaster

*** Creating the temporary root environment in /var/tmp/temproot

*** /var/tmp/temproot ready for use

*** Creating and populating directory structure in /var/tmp/temproot

make[4]: "/usr/src/lib/libc/net/" line 130: warning: duplicate 
script for target "afterinstallconfig" ignored

make[4]: "/usr/src/lib/libc/gen/" line 554: warning: using previous 
script for "afterinstallconfig" defined here

I looks like the generated kernel correctly works but the error message should 
not be there...

What can be the cuase and how can I repair it?

Best regards

Krasznai András

1136 Budapest, Pannónia utca 11.
Tel:      +36 1 703 2923
Mobil: +36 30 703 2923
Központ:  +36 1 703 2920
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