On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Robert Watson wrote:
> Yup, there's been chatter on this in a number of forums.  I must admit
> that I am very please -- the Arla client is great, but Milko has a long
> way to go before it is production quality.  Having access to the
> Transarc/IBM source will presumably greatly facilitate the development of
> Arla, and also allow use of the IBM code in the mean time (Arla is under a
> liberal BSD-style license, whereas I would guess the IBM code will be
> under something like the Netscape license?).  In any case, once the code
> is out there, I'd be glad to participate in getting it running on FreeBSD.
> We may be able to leverage existing work by the Arla folk on rx and lwp to
> do that.

The code will be offered under the "IBM Public License".  You can find the
license on the web site
along with some other info about the availability of open-source AFS.

DISCLAIMER:  While I work for IBM and also happen to be at Transarc, I
   have nothing at all to do with AFS.  So don't ask me, I didn't do it...

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