
I run HEAD i386 on an Acer C720 netbook (the so called Cromebook), which
works pretty much fine and very fast.

The device is used on a daily basis with 18++ hours uptime a day.
>From time to time (since January exactly 5 times) I faced a complete
randomly power-off of the device. Please, do not think in the usual suspects of
CPU heat or power drain. I monitor in a file every time the exact device
situation, which is here: http://www.unixarea.de/c720-crashes.html

In /var/log/messages are no indications, and if the system would have written
something in its last second, it is perhaps rolled back by the fsck on reboot.

What I wanted to ask here: Is there any way to read any information out
of local memory buffers when the system comes up again or any other way
to understand what could cause this problem.

I have to admit, that until now I was never present with my eyes when it 
happened, I
was always somehow a way from the display (running KDE4), and when I
returned to it, I found it black.

Thanks in advance.


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