
Over the last months I've had a "problem" regarding battery status on my laptop which has been running FreeBSD CURRENT in order to have a working Intel driver (Haswell).

My problem/question is that when I boot the laptop with a fully charged battery and it is still connected to a power source, acpiconf reports that the battery is discharging, even if it is not:

[andersbo@freebsd-acer: it]$ acpiconf -i0
Design capacity:           4605 mAh
Last full capacity:          3523 mAh
Technology:                   secondary (rechargeable)
Design voltage:             11400 mV
Capacity (warn):           245 mAh
Capacity (low):             192 mAh
Low/warn granularity:  53 mAh
Warn/full granularity:   3278 mAh
Model number:            AC14A8L
Serial number:             13475
Type:                           LION
OEM info:                    LGC
State:                          discharging
Remaining capacity:    98%
Remaining time:          unknown
Present rate:              0 mA (0 mW)
Present voltage:         12619 mV

However, if I do discharge the battery and then charge it up to full again, acpiconf correctly reports battery status as "high":

[andersbo@freebsd-acer: it]$ acpiconf -i0
Design capacity:           4605 mAh
Last full capacity:          3584 mAh
Technology:                  secondary (rechargeable)
Design voltage:            11400 mV
Capacity (warn):          245 mAh
Capacity (low):             192 mAh
Low/warn granularity:  53 mAh
Warn/full granularity:   3339 mAh
Model number:            AC14A8L
Serial number:            13475
Type:                           LION
OEM info:                    LGC
State:                          high
Remaining capacity:    100%
Remaining time:          unknown
Present rate:              0 mA (0 mW)
Present voltage:         12823 mV

Last Thursday I updated the sources to ALPHA2:
[andersbo@freebsd-acer: it]$ uname -a
FreeBSD freebsd-acer.local 11.0-ALPHA2 FreeBSD 11.0-ALPHA2 #1 r301745: Thu Jun 9 20:25:35 CEST 2016 root@freebsd-acer.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64

Do you have any tips on how to fix this little "problem?"

Thanks in advance.


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