FreeBSD_HEAD_i386 - Build #1558 - Fixed:

Build information:
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Change summaries:

290224 by imp:
The error classification from lower layers is a poor indicator of
whether an error is recoverable. Always re-dirty the buffer on errors
from write requests. The invalidation we used to do for errors not EIO
doesn't need to be done for a device that's really gone, since that's
done in a different path.

Reviewed by: mckusick@, kib@

290223 by imp:
Rather than using the #define for path names, indirect through a char *
variable that could change for different executable types detected.

290222 by imp:
Move all the paths into a new path.h to centralize them.

290221 by jhibbits:
Print unsigned memory sizes, to handle >2GB RAM on 32-bit powerpc.

Sponsored by:   Alex Perez/Intertial Computing

290220 by bdrewery:
Don't hide stderr when checking ${CC} --version.

This can have important debugging information such as 'cc: not found' or
'ccache: error: Could not find compiler "cc" in PATH'.

MFC after:      2 weeks
Sponsored by:   EMC / Isilon Storage Division

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