Hi Ilya,

I saw same issue yesterday.

I suppose it's easy to fix postmaster, but pkgbase is still experimental.

Best regards,

14 авг. 2017 г. 2:57 ПП пользователь "Ilya A. Arkhipov" <rum1...@yandex.ru>

> Hi there,
> After upgrade my system(r322368) to pkg-base system(have 780 packages for
> world and kernel) I got next issue:
>     [11:53am] root:/root # portmaster -a
>     ===>>> Gathering distinfo list for installed ports
>     ===>>> Starting check of installed ports for available updates
>     ===>>> Is /usr/ports/base/Makefile missing?
>     ===>>> Aborting update
>     [11:53am] root:/root # cat /usr/ports/base/Makefile
>     # $FreeBSD: head/base/Makefile 425903 2016-11-11 18:51:42Z bapt $
>     # Never add SUBDIRS here as the ports should not be connected to the
> build
>     #
>     .include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>
> Looks like it related with Origin in base ports:
> pkg info -f FreeBSD-kernel-microkernel-12.0.s20170811101514
> FreeBSD-kernel-microkernel-12.0.s20170811101514
> Name           : FreeBSD-kernel-microkernel
> Version        : 12.0.s20170811101514
> Installed on   : Fri Aug 11 18:00:03 2017 MSK
> Origin         : base  <===================
> Categories     : base
> Licenses       : BSD2CLAUSE
> Maintainer     : r...@freebsd.org
> WWW            : https://www.FreeBSD.org
> Comment        : FreeBSD MICROKERNEL kernel
> Annotations    :
>         repo_type      : binary
>         repository     : FreeBSD-base
> Flat size      : 115MiB
> Description    :
> portmaster do a:
>                 port_ver=`pm_make -V PKGNAME`
>                 [ -z "$port_ver" ] && fail "Is $pd/$origin/Makefile
> missing?"
> and sure it will empty for $origin = base.
> For me I did:
> 1767 >---if [ "$origin" = "base" ]; then
> 1768 >--->---:
> Anybody have the same issue?
> --
> With Best Regards,
> Ilya A. Arkhipov
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