It seems Makoto Matsushita wrote:
> I found that acd, ATAPI CD device, doesn't listed up to 'kern.disks'
> kernel MIB which should list all disks in the running system.
> Here is a sample:
> ringo % sysctl kern.disks
> kern.disks: ad0
> ringo % grep acd /var/run/dmesg.boot
> acd0: CDROM <TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-6202B> at ata1-master PIO4
> ringo %
> I've investigated that this is because ATAPI CD driver doesn't call
> disk_create() when detecting CD device.  Other disks, including SCSI
> CD or RAID HDD calls this function.
> Is it a feature or something forgotten to add it?

The ATAPI CDROM driver doesn't use the disk layer because that wouldn't
allow for some of the things the driver supports (odd sector sizes etc).
At any rate I wouldn't expect a CDROM to show up as a disk, unless
it has a R/W medium formatted for random R/W inserted (which we at
this time doesn't support).


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