On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, Julian Elischer wrote:

> I often do 'make buildworld' on one machine
> and on many other machines I do:
>  mount  -r /usr/src
>  mount -r /usr/obj 
> through nfs so I can do a 'make installworld'
> using the prebuilt system.
> Unfortunatly the perl distribution is trying to write
> back to /usr/obj or /usr/src.
> it is the only place that does this. And it's new becasue 
> I've done this in the past.
> here's the error:
> ===> gnu/usr.bin/perl/library/SDBM_File
> cd sdbm && make all
> rm -rf libsdbm.a                    <----- why does it try to do this?
>                                       surely it should have been done in the
>                                       'buildworld' phase. I'm not sure if
>                                       it's trying to rm in /usr/obj or /usr/src,
>                                       but either way, it's wrong..
> rm: libsdbm.a: Read-only file system
> *** Error code 1 (continuing)
> `all' not remade because of errors.

This is an old bug:

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Nov  6 03:05:35 2000 +1100
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 03:05:31 +1100 (EST)
From: Bruce Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: installworld failure - libsdbm.a
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On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Don Lewis wrote:

> On Nov 4, 11:54am, Kent Stewart wrote:
> } Subject: Re: installworld failure - libsdbm.a
> } 
> } 
> } Steven Farmer wrote:
> } > 
> } > After this morning's cvsup and buildworld, installworld failed trying
> } > to build libsdbm.a.  I worked around the problem by adding chmod to
> } > Makefile.inc1 as shown below.  BTW - isn't it kind of wierd for a
> } > library to be _built_ at installworld time?
> } 
> } Yes, it is. It is supposed to be build in buildworld where is also
> } chmod'ed appropriately. Something triggers the build during
> } installworld, which is a place they don't want to add chmod to. I have
> } had it hit me once.
> I had the same thing happen to me yesterday abuse six hours into
> a -current "make release".  The problem didn't recur when I reran
> "make release".  One possible quirk is that I am mounting the scratch
> area from a 4.1-stable NFS server.  Notice that only the .a file is
> getting built, and not the .o files.  I suspect that the file
> timestamps are getting messed up, causing make to rebuild the .a
> file.

That is another bug.  The main bug is that the perl install looks at
timestamps (install targets shouldn't depend on anything).

> } > ===> gnu/usr.bin/perl/library/SDBM_File
> } > cd /usr/obj/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/library/SDBM_File/ext/SDBM_File ; make -B 
>install  INSTALLPRIVLIB=/usr/libdata/perl/5.00503  

This is from gnu/usr.bin/perl/library/SDBM_File/../Makefile.inc.  No problems

> } > cd sdbm && make all

This is from the automatically generated Makefile in the obj directory.  This
Makefile is nothing like a BSD makefile and has bugs like:

install :: all pure_install doc_install

This causes things to be built at install time if they are out of date.

> } > rm -rf libsdbm.a
> } > ar cr libsdbm.a sdbm.o  pair.o  hash.o && : libsdbm.a
> } > chmod 755 libsdbm.a
> } > chmod:No such file or directory
> } > *** Error code 1


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