Hello there,

We're just put on test e5-1650 with 128Gb RAM 36x1Tb in several zmirrors, 
2 days uptime and:

Mem: 1643M Active, 13G Inact, 96G Wired, 37M Cache, 14G Free
ARC: 48G Total, 30G MFU, 10G MRU, 3296K Anon, 790M Header, 6992M Other

Wired minus ARC = 48G, then:

quick calculation on >100M allocations by vmstat -z shows 50938,1M allocated,
all allocations - 52781,73M

Any suggestions where to look at ?

vmstat -z follows:
ITEM                   SIZE  LIMIT     USED     FREE      REQ FAIL SLEEP

UMA Kegs:               384,      0,     204,       6,     204,   0,   0
UMA Zones:             2176,      0,     204,       0,     204,   0,   0
UMA Slabs:               80,      0, 2734199,      51, 3166108,   0,   0
UMA RCntSlabs:           88,      0,    6618,      42,    6618,   0,   0
UMA Hash:               256,      0,       2,      88,      78,   0,   0
4 Bucket:                32,      0,  542671,   33329, 2285367,   0,   0
6 Bucket:                48,      0,   68313,   22572, 1057218,   0,   0
8 Bucket:                64,      0,   30133,   17421,  304455,   0,   0
12 Bucket:               96,      0,    3139,   41879,  329193,   0,   0
16 Bucket:              128,      0,    7288,   88843, 1275015,  11,   0
32 Bucket:              256,      0,   10517,   11878, 2760777,  38,   0
64 Bucket:              512,      0,   35709,   92275, 4330565,2988,   0
128 Bucket:            1024,      0,   85602,    6658,17845415,10640,   0
vmem btag:               56,      0, 1753014,     615, 1753485,24699,   0
VM OBJECT:              256,      0,  285819,  218541,27170696,   0,   0
RADIX NODE:             144,      0, 1632066,    5754,49700902,   0,   0
MAP:                    240,      0,       3,      61,       3,   0,   0
KMAP ENTRY:             128,      0,       6,     273,       6,   0,   0
MAP ENTRY:              128,      0,   26857,    4143,46999863,   0,   0
VMSPACE:                448,      0,     228,     528, 1296521,   0,   0
fakepg:                 104,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
mt_zone:               4112,      0,     261,       0,     261,   0,   0
16:                      16,      0,   73226, 1105470,149180740,   0,   0
32:                      32,      0,  309506,  216619,212029882,   0,   0
64:                      64,      0, 4783744, 1534676,207450552,   0,   0
128:                    128,      0, 1174418,  280846,275707562,   0,   0
256:                    256,      0,  305187,  385023,127852882,   0,   0
512:                    512,      0,    1058,    1158,120105677,   0,   0
1024:                  1024,      0,   19324,     380, 7378948,   0,   0
2048:                  2048,      0,     482,    1836,68059097,   0,   0
4096:                  4096,      0,  168830,   42710,35332109,   0,   0
64 pcpu:                  8,      0,     866,    1182,    1685,   0,   0
SLEEPQUEUE:              80,      0,    2017,     990,    2017,   0,   0
Files:                   80,      0,    3084,    2066,88741054,   0,   0
rl_entry:                40,      0,     354,    1146,     354,   0,   0
TURNSTILE:              136,      0,    2017,     503,    2017,   0,   0
umtx pi:                 96,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
MAC labels:              40,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
PROC:                  1208,      0,     248,     184, 1296550,   0,   0
THREAD:                1168,      0,    1863,     153,    8470,   0,   0
cpuset:                  72,      0,    1339,    1191,    2041,   0,   0
audit_record:          1248,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
mbuf_packet:            256, 52277955,    2105,    3395,481227339,   0,   0
mbuf:                   256, 52277955,     664,    5341,1403660680,   0,   0
mbuf_cluster:          2048, 8168430,    5500,       0,    5500,   0,   0
mbuf_jumbo_page:       4096, 4084215,     389,    3479,84738745,   0,   0
mbuf_jumbo_9k:         9216, 1210137,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
mbuf_jumbo_16k:       16384, 680702,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
mbuf_ext_refcnt:          4,      0,     256,    2505,34011594,   0,   0
sendfile_sync:          128,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
g_bio:                  248,      0,       0,   13776,176312351,   0,   0
ttyinq:                 160,      0,     780,     695,    3165,   0,   0
ttyoutq:                256,      0,     405,     645,    1650,   0,   0
DMAR_MAP_ENTRY:         120,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
ata_request:            336,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
FPU_save_area:          832,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
taskq_zone:              48,      0,       0,    2573,  683735,   0,   0
VNODE:                  472,      0,  676927,  221497,45812118,   0,   0
VNODEPOLL:              112,      0,       1,     279,       4,   0,   0
BUF TRIE:               144,      0,       0,  105948,       0,   0,   0
NAMEI:                 1024,      0,       0,     224,254783238,   0,   0
S VFS Cache:            108,      0,  630885,  244395,50924343,   0,   0
STS VFS Cache:          148,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
L VFS Cache:            328,      0,   51006,  184998, 8427749,   0,   0
LTS VFS Cache:          368,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
NCLNODE:                528,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
range_seg_cache:         64,      0,   47462,    4804, 8129393,   0,   0
zio_cache:              920,      0,       7, 1195369,527265068,   0,   0
zio_link_cache:          48,      0,       0, 1196279,528928079,   0,   0
zio_buf_512:            512,      0, 5632372, 1674068,56383547,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_512:       512,      0,    9120,   67760,  844837,   0,   0
zio_buf_1024:          1024,      0,   89265,   37783, 4008931,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_1024:     1024,      0,    1507,    4837,  194483,   0,   0
zio_buf_1536:          1536,      0,   12897,     765,  499764,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_1536:     1536,      0,    2200,    5208,   69594,   0,   0
zio_buf_2048:          2048,      0,    5295,     239,  863860,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_2048:     2048,      0,    6453,   24633,   96712,   0,   0
zio_buf_2560:          2560,      0,    1680,     315,  779713,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_2560:     2560,      0,    2940,   14094,   65765,   0,   0
zio_buf_3072:          3072,      0,     565,    3866,  499636,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_3072:     3072,      0,    1772,   26815,   69130,   0,   0
zio_buf_3584:          3584,      0,     349,    2687,  762399,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_3584:     3584,      0,    1515,   30227,   67360,   0,   0
zio_buf_4096:          4096,      0,     220,    6540, 4477213,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_4096:     4096,      0,    1655,   46399,  100127,   0,   0
zio_buf_5120:          5120,      0,     595,     153,  659203,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_5120:     5120,      0,    3033,   80764,  172810,   0,   0
zio_buf_6144:          6144,      0,     691,     227,  485363,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_6144:     6144,      0,    2268,   35010,  135665,   0,   0
zio_buf_7168:          7168,      0,     464,    3084,20558836,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_7168:     7168,      0,    1966,   28108,   97629,   0,   0
zio_buf_8192:          8192,      0,     194,     214,  277665,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_8192:     8192,      0,    2191,   26292,   95954,   0,   0
zio_buf_10240:        10240,      0,     160,     185,  239115,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_10240:   10240,      0,    6216,   65546,  184581,   0,   0
zio_buf_12288:        12288,      0,     931,      90,  558052,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_12288:   12288,      0,    6633,   82161,  159072,   0,   0
zio_buf_14336:        14336,      0,     997,     804,  313395,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_14336:   14336,      0,    4330,   60596,  125482,   0,   0
zio_buf_16384:        16384,      0,  540272,   44137, 4467217,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_16384:   16384,      0,    2704,   36052,   80693,   0,   0
zio_buf_20480:        20480,      0,      83,     181,  561260,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_20480:   20480,      0,    2711,   35458,  107897,   0,   0
zio_buf_24576:        24576,      0,      68,     106,  168272,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_24576:   24576,      0,    1384,   21873,   78858,   0,   0
zio_buf_28672:        28672,      0,      64,     221,  376015,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_28672:   28672,      0,    1177,   19901,   65486,   0,   0
zio_buf_32768:        32768,      0,      44,     323,  367567,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_32768:   32768,      0,     833,   17130,   61549,   0,   0
zio_buf_36864:        36864,      0,      32,     406,  130317,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_36864:   36864,      0,     590,   14280,   49275,   0,   0
zio_buf_40960:        40960,      0,      19,     526,  274191,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_40960:   40960,      0,     586,   13989,   49810,   0,   0
zio_buf_45056:        45056,      0,      10,     518,  328200,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_45056:   45056,      0,     615,   14630,   47973,   0,   0
zio_buf_49152:        49152,      0,       8,     660,   63047,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_49152:   49152,      0,     561,   15726,   48049,   0,   0
zio_buf_53248:        53248,      0,       1,     616,  359908,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_53248:   53248,      0,     603,   15793,   44540,   0,   0
zio_buf_57344:        57344,      0,       2,     564,  344330,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_57344:   57344,      0,     580,   14686,   42318,   0,   0
zio_buf_61440:        61440,      0,       4,     550,   55869,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_61440:   61440,      0,     534,   13742,   38614,   0,   0
zio_buf_65536:        65536,      0,      20,     529,  440713,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_65536:   65536,      0,     506,   12092,   36726,   0,   0
zio_buf_69632:        69632,      0,       4,     504,  407266,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_69632:   69632,      0,     519,   10724,   29111,   0,   0
zio_buf_73728:        73728,      0,       5,     396,   73472,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_73728:   73728,      0,     502,    9734,   27335,   0,   0
zio_buf_77824:        77824,      0,      15,     328,  396427,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_77824:   77824,      0,     444,    8676,   24500,   0,   0
zio_buf_81920:        81920,      0,      11,     242,  322493,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_81920:   81920,      0,     367,    7709,   22682,   0,   0
zio_buf_86016:        86016,      0,       7,      76,  102150,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_86016:   86016,      0,     355,    6052,   19905,   0,   0
zio_buf_90112:        90112,      0,       6,      92,  283372,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_90112:   90112,      0,     313,    5243,   19413,   0,   0
zio_buf_94208:        94208,      0,       2,      63,   66571,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_94208:   94208,      0,     293,    4668,   16911,   0,   0
zio_buf_98304:        98304,      0,       4,      60,  232539,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_98304:   98304,      0,     254,    4051,   16290,   0,   0
zio_buf_102400:      102400,      0,      14,     128,  230617,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_102400: 102400,      0,     255,    3483,   14220,   0,   0
zio_buf_106496:      106496,      0,       0,      44,   80789,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_106496: 106496,      0,     234,    3075,   13850,   0,   0
zio_buf_110592:      110592,      0,       8,      68,  252156,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_110592: 110592,      0,     177,    2733,   11124,   0,   0
zio_buf_114688:      114688,      0,       5,      58,  195073,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_114688: 114688,      0,     158,    2340,   11037,   0,   0
zio_buf_118784:      118784,      0,       2,      62,   81227,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_118784: 118784,      0,     151,    2076,    9323,   0,   0
zio_buf_122880:      122880,      0,       2,      74,  480328,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_122880: 122880,      0,     104,    1920,    8777,   0,   0
zio_buf_126976:      126976,      0,       0,     201, 5122805,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_126976: 126976,      0,      84,    1705,    8326,   0,   0
zio_buf_131072:      131072,      0,      24,    8273, 5935178,   0,   0
zio_data_buf_131072: 131072,      0,  249410,  139770, 4850903,   0,   0
lz4_ctx:              16384,      0,       0,      64, 6271782,   0,   0
sa_cache:                80,      0,  676423,  222477,46040262,   0,   0
dnode_t:                872,      0, 4913993, 1465427,27269237,   0,   0
dmu_buf_impl_t:         224,      0, 6607475, 1740664,52461403,   0,   0
arc_buf_hdr_t:          216,      0, 3264324,    2352,15780836,   0,   0
arc_buf_t:               72,      0, 1713692,  278573,24250931,   0,   0
zil_lwb_cache:          192,      0,      68,    4332,  746762,   0,   0
zfs_znode_cache:        368,      0,  676423,  221737,45808076,   0,   0
Mountpoints:            816,      0,      70,      75,      87,   0,   0
pipe:                   744,      0,      58,     217,  669644,   0,   0
procdesc:               128,      0,       0,     403,       6,   0,   0
ksiginfo:               112,      0,     423,    2342,   70951,   0,   0
itimer:                 352,      0,       0,     352,     588,   0,   0
pf states:              296, 500006,   27005,   26646,13472631,   0,   0
pf state keys:           88,      0,   53998,   54407,27315614,   0,   0
pf source nodes:        136, 500018,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
pf mtags:                40,      0,       0,     400,      36,   0,   0
pf table entries:       160, 200000,      21,     604,     311,   0,   0
pf table counters:       64,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
pf frags:                80,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
pf frag entries:         32,  40000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
pf state scrubs:         40,      0,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
KNOTE:                  128,      0,    2336,    2314,172300015,   0,   0
socket:                 696, 4192780,    4258,    2712,19100419,   0,   0
ipq:                     56, 255316,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
udp_inpcb:              392, 4192780,      19,     451, 1104964,   0,   0
udpcb:                   16, 4192955,      19,    1989, 1104964,   0,   0
tcp_inpcb:              392, 4192780,   10175,   14945,17972119,   0,   0
tcpcb:                 1024, 4192780,    3728,    2320,17972119,   0,   0
tcptw:                   88,  27810,    6447,   19203,10135220,   0,   0
syncache:               160,  15375,      42,    1183,14816410,   0,   0
hostcache:              136,  15370,   15258,     112,   66491,45124,   0
tcpreass:                40, 510600,       0,    2700, 1801635,   0,   0
sackhole:                32,      0,       5,    2495, 1954296,   0,   0
sctp_ep:               1400, 4192780,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
sctp_asoc:             2344,  40000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
sctp_laddr:              48,  80012,       0,     913,      11,   0,   0
sctp_raddr:             720,  80000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
sctp_chunk:             136, 400026,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
sctp_readq:             104, 400026,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
sctp_stream_msg_out:    104, 400026,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
sctp_asconf:             40, 400000,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
sctp_asconf_ack:         48, 400060,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
udplite_inpcb:          392, 4192780,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0
ripcb:                  392, 4192780,       0,     150,      16,   0,   0
unpcb:                  240, 4192784,      81,     719,   23316,   0,   0
rtentry:                200,      0,      16,     424,      16,   0,   0
selfd:                   56,      0,     929,    1627,727069487,   0,   0
SWAPMETA:               288, 16336866,       0,       0,       0,   0,   0

vmstat -m
         Type InUse MemUse HighUse Requests  Size(s)
        DEVFS   529    11K       -      552  16,128
       DEVFSP     2     1K       -       17  64
         cdev     5     2K       -        5  256
     filedesc   274  1029K       -  1307628  16,32,64,128,256,512,2048,4096
        sigio     4     1K       -       24  64
     filecaps     0     0K       -      439  16,64
      kdtrace  2113   482K       -  1307187  64,256
         kenv    83    11K       -       97  16,32,64,128
       kqueue    62    94K       -      278  256,512,2048,4096
    proc-args   216    14K       -   869823  16,32,64,128,256
        hhook     2     1K       -        2  256
      ithread   156    28K       -      156  32,128,256
       prison    12    25K       -       12  16,4096
       KTRACE   100    13K       -      100  128
       linker   121    32K       -      131  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
        lockf   296    36K       -  2245056  64,128
   loginclass     3     1K       -     9993  64
       devbuf 17896 37946K       -    18448  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
         temp    82    15K       -  6099047  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
       module   214    27K       -      214  128
     mtx_pool     2    16K       -        2
          osd    43     1K       -      611  16,32,64
     pmchooks     1     1K       -        1  128
         pgrp   104    13K       -    90409  128
      session    77    10K       -    11932  128
         proc     2   512K       -        2
      subproc   682  1213K       -  1299735  512,4096
         cred   538    85K       - 43009596  64,256
       plimit    38    10K       -    11832  256
      uidinfo    13    66K       -     4004  128
       sysctl     0     0K       -   688347  16,32,64
    sysctloid  7635   379K       -     7782  16,32,64,128
    sysctltmp     0     0K       -   125752  16,32,64,128,2048
      tidhash     1   512K       -        1
      callout    13  4232K       -       13
         umtx  4050   507K       -     4050  128
     p1003.1b     1     1K       -        1  16
          bus   998   126K       -    11276  16,32,64,128,256,1024,2048
       bus-sc   129   246K       -     6201  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
      devstat   112   226K       -      112  32,4096
 eventhandler    92     8K       -       92  64,128
         kobj   122   488K       -     2962  4096
      Per-cpu     1     1K       -        1  32
  nullfs_hash     1 16384K       -        1
  nullfs_node   156    10K       -     2801  64
         rman   285    31K       -      699  32,128
         sbuf     1     1K       -    68632  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
 nullfs_mount     5     1K       -        5  32
    pfs_nodes    21     6K       -       21  256
        stack     0     0K       -        2  256
    taskqueue   461    72K       -      675  16,32,64,128,256
       Unitno    20     1K       -   947682  32,64
         vmem     2  1152K       -       10  4096
     ioctlops     0     0K       -  2834927  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
       select   622    78K       -      622  128
          iov     0     0K       - 101088563  
          msg     4    30K       -        4  2048,4096
          sem     4   106K       -        4  2048,4096
          shm     1    20K       -        3  2048
          tty    31    31K       -       63  1024,4096
          pts    11     3K       -       41  256
     mbuf_tag     0     0K       -      187  32
        shmfd     1     8K       -        2  1024
       soname    26     2K       - 72495003  16,32,128
          pcb   954 16564K       -  4080103  16,32,128,1024,2048
         GEOM  1382   263K       -    18108  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
          acl     0     0K       -    87568  4096
     vfscache     1 32768K       -        1
     vfs_hash     1 16384K       -        1
       vnodes     3     1K       -       13  32,256
    acpi_perf    12     6K       -       12  512
        mount   816    33K       -     8403  16,32,64,128,256,1024
       acpica 175642 18132K       -   430866  
  vnodemarker     0     0K       -   504967  512
          BPF     8  1026K       -       33  16,64,128,512,4096
        ifnet     5     9K       -        5  128,2048
       ifaddr    38     9K       -       38  32,256,4096
  ether_multi    11     1K       -       11  16,64
        clone     3     1K       -        9  16,64,128
       arpcom     3     1K       -        3  16
      lltable    16     5K       -       16  256,512
      CAM XPT   350    33K       -     6233  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048
       kbdmux     7    18K       -        7  16,512,1024,2048
          LED    28     2K       -       28  16,128
          mps    13   643K       -    81030  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
     routetbl   421    81K       -   117372  32,128,256,512
         igmp     4     1K       -        4  256
     in_multi     2     1K       -        2  256
    sctp_a_it     0     0K       -       10  16
     sctp_vrf     1     1K       -        1  64
     sctp_ifa    12     2K       -       12  128
     sctp_ifn     2     1K       -        2  128
    sctp_iter     0     0K       -       10  256
    hostcache     1    28K       -        1
     syncache     1    64K       -        1
      pf_temp     0     0K       -       36  128
      pf_hash     3  2880K       -        3
     pf_ifnet     8     4K       -      304  256,2048
      pf_rule    41    33K       -      381  128,1024
      pf_osfp  1184   122K       -    18944  64,128
     pf_table     7    14K       -      103  2048
          rpc     2     1K       -        2  512
audit_evclass   187     6K       -      228  32
    vm_pgdata     1 16384K       -        1
      UMAHash    76 27379K       -      504  512,1024,2048,4096
    raid_data     0     0K       -     1914  32,128,256
      CAM DEV    52   104K       -       97  2048
          USB    37    51K       -       43  16,32,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
       USBdev    31     8K       -       31  32,64,128,256,512,4096
     acpitask     1     8K       -        1
      acpisem    26     4K       -       26  128
      CAM CCB     0     0K       - 58084990  2048
      acpidev   162    11K       -      162  64
      memdesc     1     4K       -        1  4096
     CAM path    95     3K       -      431  32
md_nvidia_data     0     0K       -      319  512
   CAM periph    88    22K       -      140  16,32,64,128,256
    CAM queue    61   632K       -      239  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024
  md_sii_data     0     0K       -      319  512
CAM dev queue     9     1K       -        9  64
      entropy  1026    65K       -    37600  32,64,4096
       apmdev     1     1K       -        1  128
   madt_table     0     0K       -        1  4096
      scsi_da     0     0K       -     8244  32,64,512
         UART     9     7K       -        9  16,1024
     SCSI ENC   297   388K       -   774962  16,64,256,2048,4096
      CAM SIM     9     3K       -        9  256
     acpiintr     1     1K       -        1  64
     pci_link    16     2K       -       16  64,128
      io_apic     2     4K       -        2  2048
       DEVFS2   334    84K       -     7535  16,32,64,128,256
          MCA    31     6K       -       31  128,256
       DEVFS3  8145  2037K       -     9014  256
          msi    16     2K       -       16  128
     nexusdev     3     1K       -        3  16
       DEVFS1   334   167K       -      504  512
       isadev     7     1K       -        7  128
   DEVFS_RULE     1     1K       -        1  64
   kstat_data     6     1K       -        6  64
      solaris 6616980 1483132K       - 907671705  

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