/usr/src/sys/dev/usb/uhci.c is messed up again for those
of us that have the kernel compiled with UHCI_DEBUG.  The
following patch appears to get it to at least compile.

problem summary:

1.)     uhci_dump_ii is defined twice,
         starting at lines 805 and 920.

2.)     a missing ; at the end of line 2764.

< void
< uhci_dump_ii(uhci_intr_info_t *ii)
< {
<       usbd_pipe_handle pipe;
<       usb_endpoint_descriptor_t *ed;
<       usbd_device_handle dev;
< #define DONE ii->isdone
< #else
< #define DONE 0
< #endif
<       if (ii == NULL) {
<               printf("ii NULL\n");
<               return;
<       }
<       if (ii->xfer == NULL) {
<               printf("ii %p: done=%d xfer=NULL\n",
<                      ii, DONE);
<               return;
<       }
<       pipe = ii->xfer->pipe;
<       if (pipe == NULL) {
<               printf("ii %p: done=%d xfer=%p pipe=NULL\n",
<                      ii, DONE, ii->xfer);
<               return;
<       }
<       ed = pipe->endpoint->edesc;
<       dev = pipe->device;
<       printf("ii %p: done=%d xfer=%p dev=%p vid=0x%04x pid=0x%04x 
addr=%d pipe=%p ep=0x%02x attr=0x%02x\n",
<              ii, DONE, ii->xfer, dev,
<               UGETW(dev->ddesc.idVendor),
<               UGETW(dev->ddesc.idProduct),
<              dev->address, pipe,
<              ed->bEndpointAddress, ed->bmAttributes);
< #undef DONE
< }
<       splx(s)
>       splx(s);

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