
I still have some no memory problem :

here is how it was this morning :
IP states added:
        11508117 TCP
        1757381 UDP
        1512795 ICMP
        3225071612 hits
        101807088 misses
        0 maximum
        586718 no memory
        5055 bkts in use
        32424 active
        3239108 expired
        10920043 closed

here is what's in my ip_state.c

#define FIVE_DAYS       (3600) /* 5 days: half closed session */
#define TCP_MSL 60                      /* 2 minutes */
u_long  fr_tcpidletimeout = FIVE_DAYS,
        fr_tcpclosewait = 2 * TCP_MSL,
        fr_tcplastack = 2 * TCP_MSL,
        fr_tcptimeout = 2 * TCP_MSL,
        fr_tcpclosed = 2,
        fr_tcphalfclosed = 30*60,    /* 2 hours */
        fr_udptimeout = 240,
        fr_icmptimeout = 120;
int     fr_statemax = IPSTATE_MAX,
        fr_statesize = IPSTATE_SIZE;
int     fr_state_doflush = 0,
        fr_state_lock = 0;

and in my ip_state.h :
#define IPSTATE_SIZE    100823
#define IPSTATE_MAX     65536 /* Maximum number of states held */

It's a 
FreeBSD mano.absolight.com 4.3-RELEASE-p17 FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE-p17 #0:
Mon Sep 10 09:55:30 CEST 2001    
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/FW  i386
with 256M of ram, and 
in my loader.conf

I was wondering how low I could go with the FIVE_DAYS const and with the
I believe that lowering them should do it, but I'd rather not do stupid

Mathieu Arnold

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