hello, world\n

I'm running FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #0: Mon Aug  6 23:23:45 CEST 2001.
I turn on my box once a day when I come home and I recently noticed
that about 1 out of 4 boots it tells me

/boot/kernel/kernel: WARNING: / was not properly dismounted
/boot/kernel/kernel: WARNING: /home was not properly dismounted
/boot/kernel/kernel: WARNING: /opt was not properly dismounted
/boot/kernel/kernel: WARNING: /usr was not properly dismounted
/boot/kernel/kernel: /usr: lost blocks 6 files 5
/boot/kernel/kernel: WARNING: /usr/obj was not properly dismounted
/boot/kernel/kernel: WARNING: /usr/ports/distfiles was not properly dismounted
/boot/kernel/kernel: WARNING: /Var was not properly dismounted

I'm positive that nothing unusual happened when I shut down the system with
shutdown -h now, i.e. no "some process would not die; ps axl advised" or
"could not umount" messages. I always wait for "The operating system has
halted." before turning power off.

The list of file systems above is not complete; a df says
Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da2s1a    127023    47915    68947    41%    /
devfs               1        1        0   100%    /dev
/dev/da1s2f    508143   322709   144783    69%    /home
/dev/da0s1e    595383    93019   454734    17%    /opt
/dev/da2s1f   3402629  2444357   686062    78%    /usr
/dev/da1s4f   4030836  3548808   159562    96%    /usr/obj
/dev/da1s2e   1984479   641906  1183815    35%    /usr/ports/distfiles
/dev/da2s1e    508143   132454   335038    28%    /var
/dev/da1s3g    396895   114577   250567    31%    /Var
/dev/da0s1d   1652219  1288389   231653    85%    /home/ncvs
/dev/da2s5    3826552  1600004  2032164    44%    /linux
procfs              4        4        0   100%    /proc
/dev/md0       661344   661344        0   100%    /mnt/cd1
/dev/md1       620830   620830        0   100%    /mnt/cd2
/dev/md2       660102   660102        0   100%    /mnt/cd3
/dev/md3       649490   649490        0   100%    /mnt/cd4

This means that /var, /home/ncvs and /linux are umounted properly.
Does anyone see similar behavior? Any clues?


Jens Schweikhardt http://www.schweikhardt.net/
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