Hello Mr. Hubbard,

This email is a follow-up on the previous one. We’d love to interview you
for these three reasons:


   Our email subscribers -- 25,000 of them -- would love to hear about
   *FreeBSD* and your perspective on the future of modern servers and
   embedded platforms.


   Your interview with us should give your brand significant exposure. Our
   website gets a ton of targeted traffic monthly -- its Alexa rank is 60,000,
   and it enjoys over 900,000 visits monthly.


   We’d genuinely appreciate your presence on Make a Website Hub

Please reply to this email, and I’ll send you the interview questions.

Kind regards,

Nicholas Godwin


On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 9:22 AM, Nicholas Godwin <
nicho...@makeawebsitehub.com> wrote:

> Greetings!
> Our highly engaged audience of 25,000 email subscribers and tens of
> thousands of monthly visitors would love to hear from you. We’ve already
> interviewed Benni Mack from Typo3
> <https://makeawebsitehub.com/typo3-cms8-lts/>, Scott Beale from Laughing
> Squid <https://makeawebsitehub.com/laughing-squid-review/>, and Casey
> Rowland from BlueHost, and we’re eager to hear from you!
> I’m Nicholas Godwin. Make a Website Hub <http://makeawebsitehub.com/>
> enjoys over 900,000 visits a month and an Alexa rank of about 60,000 -- so
> we have significant exposure online. We’ve been featured on Inc.com,
> AdWeek, Entrepreneur.com, BBC, Speckyboy.com, HubSpot, Jeffbullas.com and
> The Huffington Post.
> If you’re interested, I’ll be glad to interview you on *FreeBSD*. I’ll
> simply email you the interview questions to answer; unless, of course,
> you’d prefer an audio Skype interview.
> Please reply to this email to indicate interest (or ask any questions you
> might have), and I’ll send you the interview questions and/or answer your
> questions. In case I don’t get a response to this email in the next couple
> of days I’ll send you a follow up.
> Kind regards,
> Nicholas Godwin.
> *MakeaWebsiteHub.com*
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