Adam Weinberger <> writes:

>> On 8 Dec, 2017, at 18:32, Space Cadet <> wrote:
>> I just pkg installed the latest firefox for freebsd11 and suddenly all the
>> most usefule websites are unavailable:  google mail, you tube, schwab to
>> name a few.
>> I live on freebsd and I live on firefox.  this version 54 of firefox works
>> fine on a different machine.  the new one 56.2_11 see below refuses to load
>> most websites.  here is the message i get when trying to load gmail.  i
>> think it is identical to all the others.
>> *****
>> Your connection is not secure
>> The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
>> uses security technology that is outdated and vulnerable to
>> attack. An attacker could easily reveal information which you thought to be
>> safe. The website administrator will need to fix the server first before
>> you can visit the site.
>> *****
>> Other info:
>> $ uname -a
>> FreeBSD fbsd11w701 11.0-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Apr 11
>> 08:48:40 UTC 2017
>> amd64
> FreeBSD 11.0 has reached EOL. Please update your system to 11.1, as
> packages are no longer targeted to work on 11.0. You can find instructions
> at 

Correct. I've just confirmed Firefox 56.0.2_11,1 from /quarterly on both
10.3 i386 and 11.1 amd64 works fine. What happened for the reporter is
probably security/nss upgrade 3.34 -> 3.34.1 which killed https:// support
due to a missing symbol (or something else) missing on 11.0.

I wish pkg(8) didn't sabotage a working system but simply refused to upgrade.
Unfortunately, pkg(8) doesn't seem to track ABI of minor OS releases.
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