Hi everyone,
For the last week I have been trying everything I know to try an work out my problem. Since it seems I have exausted all my resources, I figured I'd try here.
I'm trying to export vhosts on my system and it isnt working.
I'm using FreeBSD 4.4-RC, along with ipnat/ipf and my connection is pppoe.
I have 1 assigned ip I connect with(static), the one tun0 obtains.
I also have a block of static external addressed assigned on my external interface rl0, also obtained from my isp.
My connection ip isn't from the same ip block as my /29 obtained from my ISP.
It seems all my incoming connections to each different ip on the block worka fine. I am fully able to ipnat the ip to another internal box via sis0 the internal interface.
The problem is all my outbound connections are all seen as from tun0 interface ip, even when I export an ip or hostname locally.
How is it possible to be able to export hosts, and have one of my ip block addresses seen on the internet, as opposed to having all outbound traffic seen from the 1 tun0 connection ip?

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