You may also want to talk to:

  Roger Hardiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

who expressed an interest in doing IrDA last June..

probably also worth puting out a general call for interested parties.

Mark Santcroos wrote:

Then just look at the drivers for various line cards
such as the if_sr.c
file and if_lmc.c

and check out the sample netgraph file,
and the sample device driver (share/examples/drivers/
(warning only up-to date in -current)

If you want to send me your driver I'll even make a first attempt to bolt a
netgraph interface to it.
(or you can try and I'll check it for you)

check the 'blueprints' article on netgraph in daemon-news
for a good run-down on what it all means (though it's abot out of date
and had a few small

lastly, read netgraph(4)

here is a list of existing netgraph drivers:

sys/dev/lmc/if_lmc.c sys/dev/usb/udbp.c sys/i386/isa/if_ar.c 
sys/i386/isa/if_sr.c sys/i4b/driver/i4b_ing.c sys/netgraph/ng_ether.c
sys/netgraph/ng_tty.c sys/pci/if_mn.c sys/dev/musycc/musycc.c

> >
> > Basically, we really do not want the Linux solution of doing IrDA.
> > Using Netgraph would be much simpler.  Email me and I will let you
> > into my CVS repo of the IrDA ongoing work that Benno and I have done.
> > Benno is working hard on FreeBSD/PPC kernel porting.  I am doing the
> > FreeBSD/PowerPC userland porting as well as I18N wchar* changes.
> > Both of us are swamped, and the IrDA work has stagnated.  I think we
> > will gladly hand over the work. :)
> Ok, that's fine with me, I am eager to see what progress you two have
> made.

me too actually. I was considering doing IRda last year and got all the docs.

> > | Following to that one I had another question:
> > |
> > | 2. Is Netgraph going to be the future in FreeBSD network stacks. Iaw, will
> > | tcp/ip be based on Netgraph in the future or will it just be a nice
> > | extension but not more.

Netgraph is designed to co-exist with the exisiting network protocols.
It would add significant overhead to replace them.

> >
> > Possibly, but why?   TCP/IP can be very resource intensive. After all,
> > we have systems designed to only do TCP/IP, servers.
> > IrDA, at maximum performance, cannot be higher than ~4mbit/sec, compared
> > to gigabit ethernet and ATM networks that FreeBSD supports.
> > At such high levels of I/O and CPU time, we can afford to have TCP/IP
> > services in the kernel.  On the contrary, IrDA is ugly and should
> > be organized by Netgraph.

*Ugly* is an understatement.

> *nods* That was the answer I expected, but wanted it to know for sure.
> > | The reason I ask it is this: Is it wise to implement my protocol based on
> > | Netgraph (so I can do it as a kernel module), or should I just build it
> > | into the kernel?
> >
> > Netgraph all the way. (/me pondering what Julian is thinking)

It's great having someone write my thoughts for me :-)

> > IrDA is a bunch of messed up ugly protocols that can simply be
> > different ng_* Netgraph nodes.
> I get the feeling I should use netgraph *grin*
> > Do you have the IrDA ISA driver? If so, for what chipset?
> > Is yours the National Semiconductor Super IO chipsets?
> > Can I see the IrDA ISA driver? :)
> I've written the PCI IrDA driver for my Toshiba laptop, the OBOE chipset.
> I am willing to write other drivers too, if someone can supply me with the
> needed hardware to develop for.
> One thing I will look at tonight is an old Tulip laptop I have laying
> around somewhere. It has an infrared port, but I have no idea what
> chipset.

maybe just old async IR.. we should try handle that too :-)

> My driver is strongly based on the OBOE driver from Linux, so porting the
> other drivers should not be a big problem probably. (This one costed me
> a bit more time because it was my first PCI driver)

for a sample PCI driver do:
(on current)
cd /usr/share/examples/drivers
sh irda
then examine the generated files..

> Mark
> --
> Mark Santcroos                     RIPE Network Coordination Centre
> PGP KeyID: 1024/0x3DCBEB8D
> PGP Fingerprint: BB1E D037 F29D 4B40 0B26  F152 795F FCAB 3DCB EB8D

      __--_|\  Julian Elischer
     /       \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    (   OZ    ) World tour 2000
---> X_.---._/  from Perth, presently in:  Budapest

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