The attached patch eliminates a bit of
unnecessary cleverness from 'mount.' If
someone would do me the favor of committing
this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Namely, some mount_XXX helpers support
multiple filesystem types and therefore
must consider argv[0].  For no apparent
reason, mount puts the filesystem
type (e.g., 'nfs') into argv[0] rather
than the executable name (e.g., 'mount_nfs').

This is unnecessary, counter-intuitive,
and also makes it rather ugly to put
'mount' into a crunchgen binary. ;-)

Tim Kientzle
Index: mount.c
RCS file: /mnt/cvs/src/sbin/mount/mount.c,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -c -r1.50 mount.c
*** mount.c     14 Oct 2002 19:40:00 -0000      1.50
--- mount.c     24 Jan 2003 21:47:00 -0000
*** 400,405 ****
--- 400,406 ----
        pid_t pid;
        int argc, i, status;
        char *optbuf, execname[MAXPATHLEN + 1], mntpath[MAXPATHLEN];
+       char progname[MAXPATHLEN+1];
  #if __GNUC__
*** 441,448 ****
        if (strcmp(vfstype, "msdos") == 0)
                vfstype = "msdosfs";
        argc = 0;
!       argv[argc++] = vfstype;
        mangle(optbuf, &argc, argv);
        argv[argc++] = spec;
        argv[argc++] = name;
--- 442,451 ----
        if (strcmp(vfstype, "msdos") == 0)
                vfstype = "msdosfs";
+       snprintf(progname,sizeof(progname),"mount_%s",vfstype);
        argc = 0;
!       argv[argc++] = progname;
        mangle(optbuf, &argc, argv);
        argv[argc++] = spec;
        argv[argc++] = name;

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